Mitral valve reconstruction is a widespread surgical method to repair incompetent mitral valves, which usually includes implantation of a ring prosthesis. To date, intraoperative analysis of the mitral valve is merely based on visual assessment using simple surgical tools, which might not allow for accurate assessment of the complex anatomy.
We propose a novel intraoperative computer-based assistance system, which combines passive optical tracking technology with tailored measurement strategies applicable during different phases of the intraoperative workflow. Based on the assessment of the valvular apparatus by customized tracked instruments, the system (1) generates an enhanced three-dimensional visualization, which (2) incorporates accurate quantifications and (3) provides assistance, e.g., in terms of virtual prosthesis selection.
Phantom experiments in a realistic environment revealed a high system accuracy (mean precision \(0.12 \pm 0.09\) mm and mean trueness \(0.77 \pm 0.39\) mm) and a low user error (mean precision \(0.18 \pm 0.10 \) mm and mean trueness \(0.81 \pm 0.36\) mm). The assistance system was successfully applied five times during open and minimally invasive reconstructive surgery in patients having mitral valve insufficiency. The measurement steps integrate well into the traditional workflow, enhancing the surgeon’s three-dimensional perception and generating a suggestion for an appropriate prosthesis.
The proposed assistance system provides a novel, accurate, and reproducible method for assessing the valvular geometry intraoperatively.

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This work was carried out with support of the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of project B01, SFB/TRR 125 Cognition-Guided Surgery. We thank the Division of fine mechanics for manufacturing the instruments and Jörg Rodrian for his technical support.
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Engelhardt, S., De Simone, R., Al-Maisary, S. et al. Accuracy evaluation of a mitral valve surgery assistance system based on optical tracking. Int J CARS 11, 1891–1904 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11548-016-1353-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11548-016-1353-z