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The 21st century is the age of information when information becomes an important strategic resource. The information obtaining, processing and security guarantee capability are playing critical roles in comprehensive national power, and information security is related to the national security and social stability. Therefore, we should take measures to ensure the information security of our country. In recent years, momentous accomplishments have been obtained with the rapid development of information security technology. There are extensive theories about information security and technology. However, due to the limitation of length, this article mainly focuses on the research and development of cryptology, trusted computing, security of network, and information hiding, etc.

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Chapters 1 and 3 of this paper were written by Zhang Huanguo, chapter 2 by Cao Zhenfu, chapter 4 by Feng Dengguo, chapter 5 by Huang Jiwu. The full text of the paper was examined and approved by Shen Changxiang.

Supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 60373087, 60673071 and 60572155) and the National High-Tech Development 863 Progranm of China (Grant No. 2006AA01Z442)

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Shen, C., Zhang, H., Feng, D. et al. Survey of information security. SCI CHINA SER F 50, 273–298 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-007-0037-2

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