Pattern-based development of software systems has gained more attention recently by addressing new challenges such as security and dependability. However, there are still gaps in existing modeling languages and/or formalisms dedicated to modeling design patterns and the way how to reuse them in the automation of software development. The solution envisaged here is based on combining metamodeling techniques and formal methods to represent security patterns at two levels of abstraction to fostering reuse. The goal of the paper is to advance the state of the art in model and pattern-based security for software and systems engineering in three relevant areas: (1) develop a modeling language to support the definition of security patterns using metamodeling techniques; (2) provide a formal representation and its associated validation mechanisms for the verification of security properties; and (3) derive a set of guidelines for the modeling of security patterns within the integration of these two kinds of representations.
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Example of establishing a secure TLS channel.
In the following, we present one possible and desired sequence of actions of a client C and server S that result, as we have shown in Sect. 6.4, in establishing a secure TLS channel. Note that the actions need not occur in exactly this order, other orders are possible to achieve the same result. Further, some of the actions may not be needed at all or may be implemented differently within particular implementations. Keys to be used for encryption for example may be passed from the calling application or may be accessible directly. Since our proof focuses on authenticity of the client we disregard all actions that are concerned with server authentication.
Proof of SeBB.3
Trivially, if for a specific sequence \(\omega \) of actions, all agents in \(\mathbb {P}{\setminus } who\) consider all values of par possible, then all agents in the smaller set \(\mathbb {P}{\setminus } (who \cup \{Q\})\) still consider all values of par possible, i.e. \(restricted \hbox {-}conf ({\mathcal {A}}(par),par,who,\{\omega \})\) implies \(restricted \hbox {-}conf ({\mathcal {A}}(par),par,who \cup \{Q\},\{\omega \})\). If \(\omega \) is continued by encrypting par with an RSA public key, then the security property provided by RSA encryption ensures that nobody but the owner of the public key can gain knowledge about the value of par, hence \(restricted \hbox {-}conf ({\mathcal {A}}(par),par,who \cup \{Q\},\{\omega a\})\) holds.
Proof of SeBB.4
Let \(\omega \in B\) and \(verifyMac(Q,key,m,mac(key,m)) \in alph(\omega )\). Then it follows that exists \(v \in \varPhi (\{s\},T),x,z \in \varSigma ^*\) with \(\omega = uvx\) and verifyMac(Q, key, m, mac(key, \(m)) \in alph(v)\). Further, by the nature of the MAC algorithm, a MAC verification action is always preceded by a MAC generation action, hence genMac(R, key, m, \(mac(key,m)) \in alph(\omega )\) for some \(R \in \mathbb {P}\). Since the MAC generation action in turn is preceded by the start action s of the phase class, it follows genMac(R, key, m, mac(key, \(m)) \in alph(v)\). Further, since s is the only phase class start action in \(\omega \), there is no other word \(v'\) contained in \(\omega \) with \(verifyMac(Q,key,m,mac(key,m)) \in alph(v')\). Finally, the key key is confidential for P and Q during this phase class, thus \(R \in \{P,Q\}\), and since Q never itself generates a MAC before having verified it, it follows that P has done so and, therefore, the assertion.
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Hamid, B., Gürgens, S. & Fuchs, A. Security patterns modeling and formalization for pattern-based development of secure software systems. Innovations Syst Softw Eng 12, 109–140 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11334-015-0259-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11334-015-0259-1