Information Technology is now a revolution due to its user dependence for various services available over Internet through cloud computing (CC). The usability is now reached to nearly 60% of globally population. The number is increasing rapidly everyday due to its services in low cost. It is becoming a challenge to manage the load, speed, computing, processing with respect to cost in CC. The resources generate enormous heat in computing and effecting the environment adversely. Hence authors have adopted multicasting, load balancing and greening environment using energy efficiency policies to get minimum consumption of energy. In this work we focus on local communication between Simple Storage Service (S3) and Elastic Computing Cloud (EC2) considering the load of virtual machines (VMs). We suggest two algorithms (i) energy-aware task consolidation (EaTC) and (ii) Low Energy Saving Task Consolidation (LESTC) considering dynamic download for different servers. The proposed mechanism also reduces migration cost and the migration mechanism performs better. Overall, the experimental study concludes that multicasting among local servers even in heterogeneous environments open doors for energy efficient optimized load to improve the performance of the system. The proposed mechanism is compared with various existing mechanism of its class and found better.

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Bhoi, A.K., Kabat, M.R., Nayak, S.C. et al. Energy efficient task allocation and consolidation in multicast cloud network. Wireless Netw 28, 3349–3366 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-022-03029-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-022-03029-2