This paper presents new schedulability tests for preemptive global fixed-priority (FP) scheduling of sporadic tasks on identical multiprocessor platform. One of the main challenges in deriving a schedulability test for global FP scheduling is identifying the worst-case runtime behavior, i.e., the critical instant, at which the release of a job suffers the maximum interference from the jobs of its higher priority tasks. Unfortunately, the critical instant is not yet known for sporadic tasks under global FP scheduling. To overcome this limitation, pessimism is introduced during the schedulability analysis to safely approximate the worst-case. The endeavor in this paper is to reduce such pessimism by proposing three new schedulability tests for global FP scheduling.
Another challenge for global FP scheduling is the problem of assigning the fixed priorities to the tasks because no efficient method to find the optimal priority ordering in such case is currently known. Each of the schedulability tests proposed in this paper can be used to determine the priority of each task based on Audsley’s approach. It is shown that the proposed tests not only theoretically dominate but also empirically perform better than the state-of-the-art schedulability test for global FP scheduling of sporadic tasks.

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Finding an optimal task assignment to processors is known as an NP-hard problem (Garey and Johnson 1979).
Recently, researchers in the real-time systems community have addressed scheduling tasks with different “criticality” or “importance”—so called, Mixed Criticality (MC) systems—inspired by an observation by Vestal (2007): the higher level of assurance or confidence needed in estimating the WCET of a piece of code, the larger the WCET tends to be in practice. Different upper bounds on the WCET for a piece of code can be considered according to the level of assurance needed for designing a MC system. Global FP scheduling of MC systems assuming different WCET of the same task has been addressed elsewhere (Pathan 2012).
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This is an extended version of a paper (Pathan and Jonsson 2011) that was presented at the EuroMicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Porto (Portugal), July 2011.
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Pathan, R.M., Jonsson, J. Interference-aware fixed-priority schedulability analysis on multiprocessors. Real-Time Syst 50, 411–455 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11241-013-9198-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11241-013-9198-9