Interconnects can limit the performance achieved by distributed and parallel file systems due to message processing overheads, latencies, low bandwidths and possible congestions. This is specially true for metadata operations, because of the large number of small messages that they usually involve. These problems can be addressed from a hardware approach, with better interconnects, or from a software approach, by means of new designs and implementations. In this paper, we take the software approach and propose to increase the rate of metadata operations by sending several operations to a server in a single request. These metadata requests, that we call batch operations (or batchops for short), are particularly useful for applications that need to create, get the status information of and delete thousands or millions of files. With batchops, performance is increased by saving network delays and round-trips, and by reducing the number of messages, which, in turn, can mitigate possible network congestions. We have implemented batchops in our Fusion Parallel File Systems (FPFS). Results show that batchops can increase the metadata performance of FPFS by between 23 and 100 %, depending on the metadata operation and backed file system used. In absolute terms, batchops allow FPFS to create, stat and delete around 200,000, 300,000 and 200,000 files per second, respectively, with just 8 servers and a regular Gigabyte network.

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Work supported by Spanish MICINN, and European Comission FEDER funds, under Grants TIN2009-14475-C04 and TIN2012-38341-C04-03.
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Avilés-González, A., Piernas, J. & González-Férez, P. Batching operations to improve the performance of a distributed metadata service. J Supercomput 72, 654–687 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-015-1602-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-015-1602-x