Generalized linear mixed models are a widely used tool for modeling longitudinal data. However, their use is typically restricted to few covariates, because the presence of many predictors yields unstable estimates. The presented approach to the fitting of generalized linear mixed models includes an L 1-penalty term that enforces variable selection and shrinkage simultaneously. A gradient ascent algorithm is proposed that allows to maximize the penalized log-likelihood yielding models with reduced complexity. In contrast to common procedures it can be used in high-dimensional settings where a large number of potentially influential explanatory variables is available. The method is investigated in simulation studies and illustrated by use of real data sets.
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Appendix A: Determination of the tuning parameter λ
First of all, define a fine grid of different values for the tuning parameter, 0≤λ 1≤⋯≤λ L ≤∞. Next, the optimal tuning parameter is determined using one of the following techniques and finally, the whole data set is fitted again using the glmmLasso algorithm with λ opt to obtain the final estimates \(\hat{\boldsymbol {\delta }}, \hat{\textbf {Q}}\) and the corresponding fit \(\hat{{\boldsymbol {\mu }}}\).
One way to determine the tuning parameter is based on information criteria. In the following we focus on Akaike’s information criterion (AIC, see Akaike 1973) as well as on the Bayesian information criterion (BIC, see Schwarz 1978), also known as Schwarz’s information criterion, given by:
j∈{1,…,L}, where \(l(\hat{{\boldsymbol {\mu }}}^{(j)})\) denotes the approximated log-likelihood from (4) evaluated at the fit corresponding to λ j and df(λ j ) denotes the degrees of freedom, which are equal to the sum of the number of nonzero fixed-effects coefficients and the number of covariance parameters, that is \(df(\lambda_{j})=\#\{k:1\leq k\leq p, \hat{\beta}_{k}\neq0\}+\frac{q(q+1)}{2}\) (compare Schelldorfer and Bühlmann 2011). Finally, for the optimal tuning parameter λ opt the chosen information criterion is minimal.
Alternatively to information criteria, the optimal tuning parameter λ opt can be derived using K-fold cross-validation. For this purpose the original sample is randomly partitioned into K subsamples and the model is fitted on K−1 subsamples (training data). The remaining subsample (test data) is used for validation. The adequacy of the model for λ j ,j∈{1,…,L} can be assessed by evaluating a cross-validation score on the test data, for example, the deviance
where l i (⋅) denotes the log-likelihood contribution of sample element i. In special situations other measures of fit can also be used, for example the misclassification error rate for binary responses or the mean squared error for continuous responses. The procedure is then repeated K times, with each subsample used exactly once as test data. For the optimal tuning parameter the cross-validation score averaged over all K folds is minimal. The concept of splitting the data into parts has a long history and has already been discussed, for example, by Stone (1974, 1978), Geissler (1975) and Picard and Cook (1984).
Appendix B: Partition of Fisher matrix
According to Fahrmeir and Tutz (2001) the penalized pseudo-Fisher matrix F pen(δ)=A T W(δ)A+K can be partitioned into
with single components
and D i (δ)=∂h(η i )/∂ η, Σ i (δ)=cov(y i |β,b i ).
Appendix C: Two bootstrap approaches for GLMMs
The general idea of bootstrapping has been developed by Efron (1983, 1986). An extensive overview of the bootstrap and related methods for asserting statistical accuracy can be found in Efron and Tibshirani (1993). For GLMMs two main approaches are found in the literature. The first approach is to resample nonparametrically, which has been proposed e.g. by McCullagh (2000) and Davison and Hinkley (1997). They randomly sample groups of observations with replacement at the first stage and suggest various ways how to sample within the groups at the second stage. They showed that sometimes it can be useful to randomly resample groups at the first stage only and leave groups themselves unchanged, for example if there is a longitudinal structure in the data, see e.g. Shang and Cavanaugh (2008).
The second approach, on which the standard errors in Sect. 4 are based on, is to simulate parametric bootstrap samples following the parametric distribution family of the underlying model (compare Efron 1982). Booth (1996) has extended the parametric approach from Efron (1982) to GLMMs to estimate standard errors for the fitted linear predictor \(\hat{{\boldsymbol {\eta }}}=\textbf {X}{\hat{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}}}+\textbf {Z}\hat{\textbf {b}}\) from Sect. 2.
Analogously we can derive standard errors for the fixed effects estimate \(\hat{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}}\) and for the estimated random effects variance components \(\hat{\textbf {Q}}\), respectively. Let {F ξ :ξ∈Ξ} denote the parametric distribution family of the underlying model, where ξ T=(β T,vec(Q)T) is unknown. Here vec(Q) denotes the column-wise vectorization of matrix Q to a column vector. Let \(\hat{{\boldsymbol {\xi }}}=(\hat{{\boldsymbol {\beta }}}^{T},\mathrm{vec}(\hat{\textbf {Q}})^{T})\) denote the Lasso estimate of ξ for an already chosen penalty parameter λ on a certain data set. Now we can simulate new bootstrap data sets (y ∗,b ∗) with respect to the distribution \(F_{\hat{{\boldsymbol {\xi }}}}\), i.e. \((\textbf {y}^{*},\textbf {b}^{*})\sim F_{\hat{{\boldsymbol {\xi }}}}\). We repeat this procedure sufficiently often, say B=10.000, and fit every new bootstrap data set \((\textbf {y}^{*}_{(r)},\textbf {X},\textbf {W})\), r=1,…,B, with our glmmLasso algorithm. The new fits \(\hat{{\boldsymbol {\xi }}}_{(r)}^{*}\) corresponding to the r-th new data set serve as bootstrap estimates and can be used to derive standard errors.
Although consistency of straightforward bootstrap in L 1-penalized regression can fail even in the simple case of linear regression (Chatterjee and Lahiri 2011), in the finite dimensional case bootstrap is helpful and we found that it yields reasonable results.
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Groll, A., Tutz, G. Variable selection for generalized linear mixed models by L 1-penalized estimation. Stat Comput 24, 137–154 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11222-012-9359-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11222-012-9359-z