New Caledonia is renowned as one of the world’s most significant biodiversity hotpots. The nutrient-deficiency and cations imbalances of ultramafic soils, which cover a third of the island, harbor a disproportionally high proportion of the plant diversity and endemism of New Caledonia.
This review explores how ultramafic soils have influenced the exceptional endemism and richness of New Caledonia trough the concomitant occurrences of habitat patchiness, climatic instability, environmental gradient, and edaphic heterogeneity of ultramafic soils. We focus on the unique ‘maquis’ vegetation where selective pressures by nutrient deficiency and trace element surplus are at their acme. We aim to synthesize our current understanding of diversification and speciation of lineages that have been phylogenetically studied to date.
Fragmentation of the peridotite mantle in isolated massifs, and as such spatial heterogeneity of ultramafic soils types, appear to promote plant endemism and speciation. Repeated independent dispersal events of pre-adapted species and persistence of paleo-endemic lineages have contributed to the phylogenetic diversity and the endemism of the ultramafic flora. Finally, historical climatic instability has caused shifts of rain forest species in refugia thereby favoring the extension of maquis species.

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We thank the Herbarium of IRD in Noumea (NOU), the National Museum of Natural History in Paris (P), and the Missouri Botanical Gardens in St. Louis (MO) whose collections have served as sources of information. Our thanks also go to botanists undertaking taxonomic revisions of the families of the New Caledonian flora, who provided information on the studied species: J.W. Dawson, the late Lyn A. Craven, N. Snow for Myrtaceae, M. Callmander for Pandanaceae, H. Hopskin and Y. Pillon for Cunoniaceae, P.P. Lowry and F. Tronchet for Araliaceae, J. Munzinger & U. Swenson for Sapotaceae, M. Schmid for Primulaceae, P. Morat for Malvaceae, F. Achille, L. Barrabé and A. Mouly for Rubiaceae. We also thank Robin Pouteau (IAC) and anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments on the manuscript. We thank Hans Lambert and Antony Van der Ent for their invitation to submit this paper and their input to increase the clarity of this manuscript.
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Isnard, S., L’huillier, L., Rigault, F. et al. How did the ultramafic soils shape the flora of the New Caledonian hotspot?. Plant Soil 403, 53–76 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-016-2910-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-016-2910-5