In this work, we present the a priori and a posteriori error analysis of a hybrid difference scheme for integral boundary value problems of nonlinear singularly perturbed parameterized form. The discretization for the nonlinear parameterized equation constitutes a hybrid difference scheme which is based on a suitable combination of the trapezoidal scheme and the backward difference scheme. Further, we employ the composite trapezoidal scheme for the discretization of the nonlocal boundary condition. A priori error estimation is provided for the proposed hybrid scheme, which leads to second-order uniform convergence on various a priori defined meshes. Moreover, a detailed a posteriori error analysis is carried out for the present hybrid scheme which provides a proper discretization of the error equidistribution at each partition. Numerical results strongly validate the theoretical findings for nonlinear problems with integral boundary conditions.

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The author Sunil Kumar would like to thank the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India, for giving the research support grant CRG/2023/003228 for the present work. The author Pratibhamoy Das wanted to acknowledge the support of the Science and Engineering Research Board, Government of India, through the Project No. MTR/2021/000797 for carrying out the present work. The authors gratefully acknowledge the valuable comments and suggestions from the anonymous referees.
Sunil Kumar was supported by the Science and Engineering Research Board, Government of India, through the Project No. CRG/2023/003228. Pratibhamoy Das was supported by the Science and Engineering Research Board, Government of India, through the Project No. MTR/2021/000797
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Kumar, S., Kumar, S. & Das, P. Second-order a priori and a posteriori error estimations for integral boundary value problems of nonlinear singularly perturbed parameterized form. Numer Algor (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-024-01918-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-024-01918-5
- a posteriori meshes
- a priori meshes
- Nonlinear problems
- Parameterized problems
- Singularly perturbed problems
- Integral boundary conditions
- Nonlocal problems
- Layer-adapted meshes
- Hybrid difference scheme