Global Manufacturing Virtual Network (GMVN) is a manufacturing architecture, which integrates all kinds of enterprises and production centers to construct and reconstruct agile supply network, and provides manufacturing services on unpredictable and fragmented market demand. However due to the geographical and cultural differences, and lack of a unified knowledge expressing and intelligent reasoning framework for GMVN, the system elements can not be integrated well. To achieve intelligent integration of the geographically dispersed worldwide manufacturing resource, capacity and service, the intelligent integration framework of Semantic Bill of X (S-BOX) is proposed by combining with the technologies of ontology, Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL), Bill of X (BOX). Using this framework, we analyze the characteristics, structure of GMVN system, and construct GMVN oriented S-BOX models which include the ontology structure models and the reasoning rules sets. With the ontology structure models, we can express the elements and the relationships of GMVN. And with the reasoning rules sets, the business characteristics of the GMVN systems will be transformed into the SWRL rules. Therefore, the integrated expression and intelligent reasoning of the manufacturing system elements can be realized in the semantic knowledge layer. Furthermore, an applied case of GMVN project is given to verify the validity of this method.

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This research has been funded by the Guangdong High-Tech Zone Development Guidance Special Plan, China (No. 2010A011200007), and the Chinese Industrial Engineering Institute of CMES and Foxconn Technology Group “Talent funding Plan” Project, China (No.11F81210004)
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Li, CD., Xie, T. & Tang, YL. GMVN oriented S-BOX knowledge expression and reasoning framework. J Intell Manuf 25, 993–1011 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-012-0722-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-012-0722-x