This paper discusses the multi-product multi-level capacitated lotsizing and scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setups. An exact formulation of the problem is provided as a mixed-integer program which is impractical to solve in reasonable computing time for non-small instances. To solve non-small instances of the problem, MIP-based heuristics are provided. To test the accuracy of heuristics, two lower bounds are developed and compared against the optimal solution. The trade-offs between schedule quality and computational time of heuristics are also provided.
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Mohammadi, M., Fatemi Ghomi, S.M.T., Karimi, B. et al. Rolling-horizon and fix-and-relax heuristics for the multi-product multi-level capacitated lotsizing problem with sequence-dependent setups. J Intell Manuf 21, 501–510 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-008-0207-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-008-0207-0