A novel oscillation ring (OR) test scheme and architecture for testing interconnects in SOC is proposed and demonstrated. In addition to stuck-at and open faults, this scheme can also detect delay faults and crosstalk glitches, which are otherwise very difficult to be tested under the traditional test schemes. IEEE Std. 1500 wrapper cells are modified to accommodate the test scheme. An efficient algorithm is proposed to construct ORs for SOC based on a graph model. Experimental results on MCNC benchmark circuits have been included to show the effectiveness of the algorithm. In all experiments, the scheme achieves 100% fault coverage with a small number of tests.
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Li, K.SM., Lee, CL., Su, C. et al. IEEE Standard 1500 Compatible Oscillation Ring Test Methodology for Interconnect Delay and Crosstalk Detection. J Electron Test 23, 341–355 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10836-007-0759-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10836-007-0759-5