Due to decoherence, realistic quantum systems inevitably interact with the environment when quantum information is processed, which causes the loss of quantum properties. As a fundamental issue of quantum properties, quantum correlations have attracted a lot of interests in recent years. Because of the importance of high dimensional systems in quantum information, in this work, we study the quantum correlations affected by the Markovian environment by considering the quantum correlations of qutrit-qutrit quantum systems measured by the negativity and the geometric discord. The local noise channels covered in this work include dephasing, trit-flip, trit-phase-flip, and depolarising channels. We have also investigated the cases where the local decoherence channels of two sides are identical and non-identical.

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Doustimotlagh, N., Guo, JL. & Wang, S. Quantum Correlations in Qutrit-Qutrit Systems under Local Quantum Noise Channels. Int J Theor Phys 54, 1784–1797 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10773-014-2382-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10773-014-2382-4