Accurate spatial estimation of forest carbon stocks and their spatial uncertainties at local, regional, national, and global scales is a critical step in global carbon cycle modeling and management. This study aimed at enhancing the methods that are currently used in this area by combining plot data from the forest inventory and analysis program of the U.S. Forest Service and free landsat thematic mapper image data. Three mapping methods including linear regression, sequential Gaussian co-simulation, and block co-simulation algorithm were compared with respect to the accuracy of forest carbon stock estimates obtained for a study area in Southern Illinois, USA. The results indicated that although the linear regression resulted in smaller prediction errors than the sequential Gaussian co-simulation and the block co-simulation approaches, it also produced both negative and unreasonably large estimates, which is a serious drawback. Moreover, the sequential Gaussian co-simulation and the block co-simulation produced not only accurate carbon predictions, but also uncertainties for the local estimates. In addition, the block co-simulation approach scaled up both forest carbon stocks and the input uncertainties from finer to coarser spatial resolutions as is required for mapping forest carbon at national and global scales. Thus, the co-simulation and block co-simulation algorithms resolved an important current methodological challenge.

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We thank the Northern Research Station, U.S. Forest Service, for providing the FIA data, Southern Illinois University Carbondale for the project funding, and two undergraduate students (Franklin Wesseln and Adam Bauer) for collection of data for the additional sample plots.
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Fleming, A.L., Wang, G. & McRoberts, R.E. Comparison of methods toward multi-scale forest carbon mapping and spatial uncertainty analysis: combining national forest inventory plot data and landsat TM images. Eur J Forest Res 134, 125–137 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-014-0838-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-014-0838-y