In secure delegatable computation, computationally weak devices (or clients) wish to outsource their computation and data to an untrusted server in the cloud. While most earlier work considers the general question of how to securely outsource any computation to the cloud server, we focus on concrete and important functionalities and give the first protocol for the pattern matching problem in the cloud. Loosely speaking, this problem considers a text T that is outsourced to the cloud \({\textsc {S}}\) by a sender \({\textsc {SEN}}\). In a query phase, receivers \({\textsc {REC}}_1, \ldots , {\textsc {REC}}_l\) run an efficient protocol with the server \({\textsc {S}}\) and the sender \({\textsc {SEN}}\) in order to learn the positions at which a pattern of length m matches the text (and nothing beyond that). This is called the outsourced pattern matching problem which is highly motivated in the context of delegatable computing since it offers storage alternatives for massive databases that contain confidential data (e.g., health-related data about patient history). Our constructions are simulation-based secure in the presence of semi-honest and malicious adversaries (in the random oracle model) and limit the communication in the query phase to O(m) bits plus the number of occurrences—which is optimal. In contrast to generic solutions for delegatable computation, our schemes do not rely on fully homomorphic encryption but instead use novel ideas for solving pattern matching, based on a reduction to the subset sum problem. Interestingly, we do not rely on the hardness of the problem, but rather we exploit instances that are solvable in polynomial time. A follow-up result demonstrates that the random oracle is essential in order to meet our communication bound.

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Namely, a two-rounds solution based on FHE would need a circuit that tolerates the worst case output size, which in pattern matching implies a maximal number of matches that is proportional to the length of the text (or the database).
This definition is more applicable for search engines where the first few results are typically more relevant, whereas the former variant is more applicable for a DNA search where it is important to find all matched positions. For simplicity we only consider the first variant, and our solutions support both variants.
We remark that this definition considers a function that is not pseudorandom in the classic sense of it being indistinguishable from a random function whose range is composed of all strings of a given length. Rather, it is indistinguishable from a random function whose range is the group generated by g as defined below.
As specified in the introduction, we can define a search functionality that only returns the first few and most relevant matches. Our discussion and formalization below can be easily adapted for this functionality as well.
Taking a look ahead, this solution can only support short texts as otherwise either the collision probability (cf. Lemma 1) is large and we cannot achieve correctness, or the subset sum problem cannot be solved efficiently as the instance is not low density.
In the basic form of the protocol, it does not make any difference whether we commit to \(R_p\) or to \(R_p'\). However, in the extension based on packaging committing to \(R_p'\) yields a better communication complexity in the setup phase.
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Faust, S., Hazay, C. & Venturi, D. Outsourced pattern matching. Int. J. Inf. Secur. 17, 327–346 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10207-017-0374-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10207-017-0374-0