IAEG Commission No. 1—Engineering Geological Maps—is developing a guide to hazard maps. Scientists from 17 countries have participated. This paper is one of a series that presents the results of that work. It provides a general review of GIS landslide mapping techniques and basic concepts of landslide mapping. Three groups of maps are considered: maps of spatial incidence of landslides, maps of spatial–temporal incidence and forecasting of landslides and maps of assessment of the consequences of landslides. With the current era of powerful microcomputers and widespread use of GIS packages, large numbers of papers on the subject are becoming available, frequently founded on different basic concepts. In order to achieve a better understanding and comparison, the concepts proposed by Varnes (Landslide hazard zonation: a review of principles and practice, 1984) and Fell (Some landslide risk zoning schemes in use in Eastern Australua and their application 1992; Landslide risk assessment and acceptable risk. Can Geotech J 31:261–272, 1994) are taken as references. It is hoped this will also add to the international usefulness of these maps as tools for landslide prevention and mitigation. Six hundred and sixty one papers and books related to the topic are included in the references, many of which are reviewed in the text.
La Commission N°1 de l’AIGI ≪Cartes de géologie de l’ingénieur≫ réalise un guide sur les cartes d’aléas. Des scientifiques de 17 pays ont apporté leur contribution. Cet article est l’un d’une série d’articles relatant les travaux de cette Commission. Il présente les concepts de base de la cartographie de glissements de terrain ainsi qu’un panorama de l’apport des techniques SIG (Systèmes d’Information Géographique) à cette cartographie. Trois groupes de cartes ont été considérés: des cartes d’occurrence spatiale de glissements de terrain, des cartes d’occurrence spatio-temporelle et de prévision de glissements de terrain et des cartes d’évaluation des conséquences de glissements de terrain. A notre époque de développement de la micro-informatique et des logiciels SIG, de nombreuses publications sont produites sur ce sujet, avec différentes bases conceptuelles. Afin de faciliter compréhension et comparaisons, les concepts proposés par Varnes (Landslide hazard zonation: a review of principles and practice, 1984) et Fell (Some landslide risk zoning schemes in use in Eastern Australua and their application 1992; Landslide risk assessment and acceptable risk. Can Geotech J 31:261–272, 1994) sont pris comme référence. On espère que le travail réalisé rendra plus facile l’utilisation de ces cartes comme outil de prévention et de limitation des effets des glissements de terrain. Six cent soixante une articles et ouvrages relatifs au sujet traité son référencés en bibliographie, nombre d’entre eux étant appelés dans le texte de l’article.

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This review has been funded by project REN2002-03366 on Landslides and active tectonics in the Guadalfeo river basin (Granada, Spain), CICYT- I+D, Spanish Ministery of Education and Science and by the Research Group on Environment: Natural Hazards and Terrain Engineering (RNM 121) Andalusian Plan of Research, Seville (Spain). The encouraging support of B. Marker, who kindly reviewed the final English version, M. Culshaw, Earl E. Brabb and F. Olóriz is acknowledged. P. Reichenbach is thanked for kind permission to use Figs. 14, 16 and 17 and the papers, maps, comments and information received from C. Bonnard, N.C. Evans, B. Marker, J. Marquínez, P. Gori and G. Tosatti, are acknowledged, as well as a preliminary English reviewing by R. Jiménez.
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Chacón, J., Irigaray, C., Fernández, T. et al. Engineering geology maps: landslides and geographical information systems. Bull Eng Geol Environ 65, 341–411 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-006-0064-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-006-0064-z