This work presents the experimental demonstration of a hybrid fuzzy-fuzzy controller speed control of a squirrel-cage induction motor variable speed drive based on the space-vector pulse width modulation technique by means of digital signal processing. In particular, two features of field-oriented control were engaged to design a hybrid fuzzy-fuzzy controller, namely the current and frequency. In order to overcome the limitations of the field-oriented control technique, the principle of the hybrid fuzzy-fuzzy controller is introduced in the course of the acceleration–deceleration stages to regulate the speed of the rotor with the help of a fuzzy frequency controller. Conversely, a fuzzy stator current magnitude controller was involved during the steady-state. The results revealed that the control approach has the ability to deliver a practical control solution in the presence of diverse operating conditions.

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- ABC:
Artificial bee colony
- AC:
Alternate current
- ACO:
Ant colony optimization
- A/D:
Analog to digital converter
- ANN:
Artificial neural network
- BF:
Bacteria foraging
- BSA:
Bat search algorithm
- CCS:
Code composer studio
- DAQ:
Data acquisition card
- DC:
Direct current
Direct field-oriented control
- DMC:
Digital motor control
- DSP:
Digital signal processing
- DTC:
Direct torque control
- FFA:
Firefly algorithm
- FL:
Feedback linearization
- FLC:
Fuzzy logic control
- FOC:
Field-oriented control
- Fuzzy-PI:
Fuzzy proportional-integral control
- GA:
Genetic algorithm
Hybrid fuzzy-fuzzy control
Hybrid fuzzy-PI control
- ICA:
Imperialist competitive algorithm
Indirect field-oriented control
- IM:
Induction motor
- PI:
Proportional-integral control
- PC:
Personal computer
- PSO:
Particle swarm optimization
- PWM:
Pulse width modulation
- QEP:
Quadrature encoder pulse
Squirrel-cage induction motor
- SMC:
Sliding mode control
Space-vector PWM
- USB:
Universal serial bus
- VSI:
Voltage source inverter
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The contributions of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) in terms of a graduate assistantship scheme award and the Universiti Research Internal Fund (URIF) No. 10/2013 are gratefully acknowledged.
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Magzoub, M., Saad, N., Ibrahim, R. et al. An experimental demonstration of hybrid fuzzy-fuzzy space-vector control on AC variable speed drives. Neural Comput & Applic 31 (Suppl 2), 777–792 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-017-3008-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-017-3008-6