We give formulas for the multiplicity of any affine isolated zero of a generic polynomial system of n equations in n unknowns with prescribed sets of monomials. First, we consider sets of supports such that the origin is an isolated root of the corresponding generic system and prove formulas for its multiplicity. Then, we apply these formulas to solve the problem in the general case, by showing that the multiplicity of an arbitrary affine isolated zero of a generic system with given supports equals the multiplicity of the origin as a common zero of a generic system with an associated family of supports. The formulas obtained are in the spirit of the classical Bernstein’s theorem, in the sense that they depend on the combinatorial structure of the system, namely, geometric numerical invariants associated to the supports, such as mixed volumes of convex sets and, alternatively, mixed integrals of convex functions.
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Editor in Charge: Kenneth Clarkson
Partially supported by the following Argentinian grants: PIP 11220130100527CO CONICET (2014-2016) and UBACYT 2017, 20020160100039BA.
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Herrero, M.I., Jeronimo, G. & Sabia, J. On the Multiplicity of Isolated Roots of Sparse Polynomial Systems. Discrete Comput Geom 62, 788–812 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00454-018-0025-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00454-018-0025-x