Video completion is the problem of automatically filling space–time holes in video sequences left by the removal of unwanted objects in a scene. We solve it using texture synthesis, filling a hole inwards using three steps iteratively: we select the most promising target pixel at the edge of the hole, we find the source fragment most similar to the known part of the target’s neighborhood, and we merge source and target fragments to complete the target neighborhood, reducing the size of the hole.
Earlier methods were slow, due to searching the whole video data for source fragments or completing holes pixel by pixel; they also produced blurred results due to sampling and smoothing. For speed, we track moving objects, allowing us to use a much smaller search space when seeking source fragments; we also complete holes fragment by fragment instead of pixelwise. Fine details are maintained by use of a graph cut algorithm when merging source and target fragments. Further techniques ensure temporal consistency of hole filling over successive frames.
Examples demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.
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Jia, YT., Hu, SM. & Martin, R. Video completion using tracking and fragment merging. Visual Comput 21, 601–610 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-005-0313-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-005-0313-3