Registering a 3D facial model onto a 2D image is important for constructing pixel-wise correspondences between different facial images. The registration is based on a 3 \(\times \) 4 dimensional projection matrix, which is obtained from pose estimation. Conventional pose estimation approaches employ facial landmarks to determine the coefficients inside the projection matrix and are sensitive to missing or incorrect landmarks. In this paper, a landmark-free pose estimation method is presented. The method can be used to estimate the matrix when facial landmarks are not available. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms several landmark-free pose estimation methods and achieves competitive accuracy in terms of estimating pose parameters. The method is also demonstrated to be effective as part of a 3D-aided face recognition pipeline (UR2D), whose rank-1 identification rate is competitive to the methods that use landmarks to estimate head pose.

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In the description of RDD, index \(\mu \) is omitted for clarity.
A few imprecise landmark annotations were rectified in these model/database in this journal version.
- GIS:
Geometry image space
- AFM:
Annotated face model
- T-AFM:
Texture of annotated face model
- RDD:
Rotation determined decomposition
- TBB:
Target bounding box
- SDM:
Supervised descent method
Global supervised descent method
Random subspace supervised descent method
- 2dSC:
Two-dimensional sparse coding
- G3D:
Generic 3D model
- PS3D:
Personalized 3D model
Ex-annotated face model-based alignment
Annotated face model-based alignment
3dMD 3dMD: 3D imaging systems and software (2012). http://www.3dmd.com/
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This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security under Grant Award Number 2015-ST-061-BSH001. This grant is awarded to the Borders, Trade, and Immigration (BTI) Institute: A DHS Center of Excellence led by the University of Houston, and includes support for the project “Image and Video Person Identification in an Operational Environment: Phase I” awarded to the University of Houston. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
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Wu, Y., Shah, S.K. & Kakadiaris, I.A. Annotated face model-based alignment: a robust landmark-free pose estimation approach for 3D model registration. Machine Vision and Applications 29, 375–391 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00138-017-0887-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00138-017-0887-6