This work proposes a system for the automatic construction of multi-spectral three-dimensional (3D) models of architecture. Besides the specific application, which concerns the interactive visualization and the restoration of historical buildings, the interest of the proposed system lies in the instrumental gap it fills in the multi-spectral nature of the textures, in general needed for rendering with faithful colors, and in the automatism of the 3D model construction. The paper presents a robust procedure for matching 3D points of architecture scenes and a new multiresolution method for texture generation. The proposed system is an effective tool for producing 3D content amenable to a great number of usages.
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Brusco, N., Capeleto, S., Fedel, M. et al. A System for 3D Modeling Frescoed Historical Buildings with Multispectral Texture Information. Machine Vision and Applications 17, 373–393 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00138-006-0026-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00138-006-0026-2