Artichoke (AF), eggplant (EF) and tomato (TF) flour were used as nutritional ingredients for wheat dough. A replacement of wheat flour with 5 or 10% of these vegetable flour was performed. Hydration properties (equilibrium adsorption isotherms, solvent retention capacity), capacity of blends for dough development (farinographic assay) and the proximal composition of flours were evaluated. Samples with high content of soluble sugar and low of insoluble fiber (EF and TF) presented higher equilibrium water sorption at 20 °C and 40 °C, at aw > 0.5. The solvent retention capacity of wheat–vegetable flour blends increased mainly at higher levels of replacement (10%) and with samples of artichoke and eggplant. The highest and the lowest stable dough with 10% of replacement was obtained with AF and EF, respectively. Water sorption and absorption parameters should be previously determined so as to obtain the optimum dough structure that lead to a high technological quality bread.
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We want to acknowledge to University of La Plata (UNLP), Scientific Research Council (CONICET) and Science and Technology Minister (MINCYT) of Argentina for the financial support (PICT2016-3047). We also want to thank Molino Campodónico S.A, Molino Rio de la Plata S.A, AE María Emilia Dosantos and Artichokes Platenses.
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Valerga, L., Quintero-Ruiz, N.A., Concellón, A. et al. Artichoke, eggplant and tomato flours as nutritional ingredients for wheat dough: hydration properties. J Food Sci Technol 57, 1954–1963 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-019-04231-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-019-04231-5