Workflow scheduling has become one of the hottest topics in cloud environments, and efficient scheduling approaches show promising ways to maximize the profit of cloud providers via minimizing their cost, while guaranteeing the QoS for users’ applications. However, existing scheduling approaches are inadequate for dynamic workflows with uncertain task execution times running in cloud environments, because those approaches assume that cloud computing environments are deterministic and pre-computed schedule decisions will be statically followed during schedule execution. To cover the above issue, we introduce an uncertainty-aware scheduling architecture to mitigate the impact of uncertain factors on the workflow scheduling quality. Based on this architecture, we present a scheduling algorithm, incorporating both event-driven and periodic rolling strategies (EDPRS), for scheduling dynamic workflows. Lastly, we conduct extensive experiments to compare EDPRS with two typical baseline algorithms using real-world workflow traces. The experimental results show that EDPRS performs better than those algorithms.

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Chen, H., Zhu, J., Zhang, Z. et al. Real-time workflows oriented online scheduling in uncertain cloud environment. J Supercomput 73, 4906–4922 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-017-2060-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-017-2060-4