In this paper a process is viewed as a labeled graph modulo bisimulation equivalence. Three topics are covered: (i) specification of processes using finite systems of equations over the syntax of process algebra; (ii) inference systems which are complete for proving the equivalence of regular (finite state) processes; (iii) variations of the bisimulation model.
Note: Research partially supported by ESPRIT project 432, Meteor.
Chapter 1 of this paper is a modified version of ‘Process algebra: specification and verification in bisimulation semantics’, from CWI Monograph 4, Proc. of the CWI Symposium Mathematics and Computer Science II (eds. Hazewinkel, Lenstra, Meertens), North-Holland, Amsterdam 1986. Permission of the editors to include the present Chapter 1 here is gratefully acknowledged.
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Bergstra, J.A., Klop, J.W. (1989). Process theory based on bisimulation semantics. In: de Bakker, J.W., de Roever, W.P., Rozenberg, G. (eds) Linear Time, Branching Time and Partial Order in Logics and Models for Concurrency. REX 1988. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 354. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0013021
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0013021
Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
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