Redshift maps of galaxies in the Universe are distorted by the peculiar velocities of galaxies along the line of sight. The amplitude of the distortions on large, linear scales yields a measurement of the linear redshift distortion parameter, which is β ≈ Ω0 0.6/b in standard cosmology with cosmological density Ω0 and light-to-mass bias b. All measurements of β from linear redshift distortions published up to mid 1997 are reviewed. The average and standard deviation of the reported values is β optical= 0.52 ± 0.26 for optically selected galaxies, and β IRAS = 0.77 + 0.22 for IRAS selected galaxies. The implied relative bias is boptical/b IRAS ≈ 1.5. If optical galaxies are unbiased, then Ω0 = 0.33 +0.32-0.22 , while if IRAS galaxies are unbiased, then Ω0 = 0.63 +0.35-0.27
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Hamilton, A.J.S. (1998). Linear Redshift Distortions: A Review. In: Hamilton, D. (eds) The Evolving Universe. Astrophysics and Space Science Library, vol 231. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-4960-0_17
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