
1 Introduction

1.1 Background

Nowadays, it is easier to travel around in different countries than before. The population of Taiwan is 23.5 million people in 2017 from the statistics of Ministry of the interior. Moreover, 2.8 billion visitors visit major tourist attractions in the country in 2016. With the development of traffic, tourism, people travel for diverse reasons. Most Asian travelers prefer novel experience, indulging in luxury and participate in physical activity. On the contrary, British and American tend to absorb knowledge, and to have excitement and outdoor activities [1, 2]. Most of the tourists expect to experience and explore different knowledge and cultures.

Moreover, new technology and the internet make us collect tourist information more easily, such as Google Maps bring people to the world. The travel navigation app helps play a role in backpacking. However, most of the studies on GPS focus on web navigation design and car navigation system. In fact, in a journey tourists usually use smart phone for information searching, favorite places saving, routes guiding and recommendation lists. Nevertheless, the reference indicates that GPS users tend to pay less attention on the routes and surrounding space globally [3], and the GPS usability requirement is different from that of travel navigation. Also, the screen of the smartphone is too small to display much information [4]. The problems of travel navigation on smart phone existed and had not been solved yet. Therefore, the foundation of the thesis is to discover main needs for travel navigation in smart phone and analyze the usability of travel navigation app prototype.

1.2 Research Purposes

In order to test the usability of mobile travel navigation, two experiments were carried out at the earlier stage. The first one was to observe the behavior of the travelers by contextual inquiry. Moreover, contextual inquiry sign can interpret and consolidate that data in a structured way as well [5]. The second was to use the results of the contextual inquiry to make Brainstorm. It is a method to stimulate creativity and strengthen thinking [6]. The study use contextual inquiry to observe and discover the larger environmental context. Therefore, contextual inquiry is based on an old community of Tainan in Taiwan, which is mainly for pedestrian. With the functions in Google Maps, including saving favorite places, routes guiding and recommendation lists, the study arranges a walking tour in Tainan to collect the needs for navigation and the problems met in journey. In accordance with the contextual inquiry, the travel navigation prototype is designed by brainstorming. In the end, the prototype is evaluated through 5 quality components to provide direction for travel navigation design.

2 Related Work

2.1 Travel

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)Footnote 1 announces that global outbound travel expenses maintained a 4% growth and also with 1.2 billion international tourists in 2016. The public interest in travel is still high, which is a good thing for every major destination in the world. Tourism can promote a country’s economic, employment and other opportunities for development.

There are three main elements in travelers’ way finding, landmarks, routes and surveys. Landmarks, which is relatively stable and conspicuous in the environment. Route knowledge infers the ability to travel from point A to point B. Survey Knowledge is a sense of direction that enables travelers to recognize directions or plan journeys along the routes which they have not travelled or to give relative locations of landmarks in an environment [7, 8].

In the Fig. 1, the research describes the process of individual travel. Before journey, travelers need to plan the journey and record the destinations on smart phone. At the beginning of the journey, travelers need to review the list before starting navigation. Moreover, during the journey, most of the travelers need to repeat the Routes and Survey for many times until arriving at the destination, and to refer to the Landmarks to identify the direction. In this thesis, the travel model is utilized for the contextual inquiry.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Travel model

2.2 Travel Navigation

In 1957, US scientists created the first artificial satellite, which provided more accuracy at less cost to not only military but peaceful commerce [9]. Moreover, the invention of cars and air travel also led to travel trend. An increasing number of people travel to other cities and countries, and it brings about the increase on the Gross domestic product (GDP) and promotion of economic development. However, so fast the development grow that it leads to many pollution problems in the environment. Therefore, some travel modes shift back to bus and rail in 1990 [10]. Both modes reduce the GDP production for each country and provide the different travel mode. The travel modes will lead to reducing energy-cost. Nowadays, most travel modes gradually turn to walk or to take public transportation.

Most of the traveler will search for information before journey. In addition, they use smart phone to search for information and check it during the journey. However, the small screens of smart phones weaken the comprehension of users to the spatial relations of layouts. Furthermore, the fingers of the participants cover the arrow and increase the time for task completion. By contrast, with the mouse, the cursor synchronizes with the user’s eyes, cursor would not cover the arrow keys [4]. The travel navigation is extremely necessary for travelers. Therefore, the principles of the travel navigation design are supposed to be emphasized on. The research complies with the principles to evaluate the travel navigation.

2.3 Location-Based Service

In 2017, Google announced that Google Maps have reached 1 billion users in Google’s I/O developer conference. Hence, Google Maps could represent one of the most popular travel navigation apps. In addition to this, Google Maps is a type of the location-based service (LBS). Base on the location-based service, it includes three aspects which are navigation, information and communication. For example, the LBS has the problem like “which objects are available in the vicinity” [9]. Therefore, the aspects of the LBS can compare with the Google Maps features. The following features are analyzed and evaluated to collect travel problems and needs (Table 1).

Table 1. LBS with fectures

2.4 Principles of Interface Design

The contents of the Location-based service include navigation, information and communication. The study focuses on different modes of operation in literature collection. Moreover, the research collects different dimensions of interface design and then apply to brainstorming. The methods of displaying information include windowshade, pop-up, hierarchical list and returned results [11]. The principles of interface design obey four rules of gesture design [12]:

  • Easy to perform and remember

  • Intuitive

  • Metaphorically and iconically logical towards functionality

  • Ergonomic; not physically stressing when used often

The prototype design refers to the principles of information design and gesture design.

3 Research Method

The literatures point out the usability problems of travel navigation. Moreover, this experiment is aim at clarify the issue and identify the aim of the innovation mode.

3.1 Environment Design

The thesis conducted the contextual inquiry to observe the users who needed the travel navigation. A navigation route in an old community of Tainan in Taiwan was planned, and the community was mainly for pedestrian. The route referred to the Tainan City Tourism Bureau, and the distance of the route was 1.2 km. It included 8 spots. The environment design was applied to LBS, which featured as routes guiding, recommend lists and favorite places. Moreover, participants walked through those spots and the researcher walked beside them. During the observation, the researcher recorded the problems that participants met with photos and print screens (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The navigation route in environment design.

3.2 Procedure

Contextual inquiry is the method which is developed from customer-centered approach. Through the contextual inquiry, users experience and behavior were collected by fieldwork observation, and the selected participants were the ones not familiar at Tainan City. In the observation, the process took a longtime observation and discussions of what just happened immediately [6, 13]. The aim of the contextual inquiry was to observe usability and the problems faced in the real field. In the procedure, the visual system, audio system and user behaviors were observed, and results of the experiment are shown as follows (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Contextual inquiry procedure.

3.3 Observation Results

In the procedure, the visual system, audio system and user behaviors were observed. The thesis summarized the observed behavior in travel navigation, and the display that needed to be improved in travel navigation app (Table 2).

Table 2. Observation result lists

3.4 Experiment Procedure

According to the results of contextual inquiry, the research moved on to brainstorming. To figure out the mentioned issues, seven professional designers, four graduate designers and three professor designers were invited to design within 90 min. The issues were divided into 8 dimensions, A to H. The selected participants made prototype design of operation to create innovative interfaces of travel navigation app. The results of brainstorming are shown as follows:

Journey Exploration.

In navigation mode, connections to reality were provided, and diverse contents and approaches were explored. In the experiment, two new designs offered more opportunities to explore. By journey exploration 1, in order to enrich journey, multiple items on menu were supposed to be added, such as tourist attractions and restaurants, and people were allowed to select favorite items in operation mode. As for journey exploration 2, the spots which were crowded are indicated in maps, and travelers could take part in the popular activities, which enriched journeys with joy to explore (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Journey exploration 1(left) and journey exploration 2 (right).

Journey Record.

According to the experiment, two record designs were made. Journey record 1, the function of Google search was supposed to be added in operation interface; in that case, people could search for details of spots. Journey record 2, journey routes and marked spots were recorded by GPS, and journey records were established after travels (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Journey record 1 (left) and journey record 2 (right)

Camera Interface.

The users were supposed to close google maps for photography, which stopped navigation. By the experiment, three designs of camera interface belonging to window design figured out the problem. Camera interface 1 was split screen. Camera interface and navigation were separated in the screen. Camera interface 2 was picture in picture (PIP), or the users could keep navigation interfaces small and use other apps. Camera interface 3, new camera was added into navigation interface (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Camera interface 1 (left), camera interface 2 (middle) and camera interface 3 (right).

Reduction in Map Looking.

The participants spent amount of time on screens, less on environments. It took time to check appearances of spots. By the experiment, three solutions came out. With reduction in map looking 1, appearances of buildings were shown as POP or as PIP in navigation mode. Reduction in map looking 2 navigated with two different layers. Reduction in map looking 3, screens merely showed instant directions, which was an advanced setting (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Reduction in map looking 1 (left), reduction in map looking 2 (middle) and reduction in map looking 3 (right).

Compatibility Design.

The compatibility design of interface arrow and real directions should be improved. In the experiment, two solutions came out. By compatibility design 1, the map layer was compatible with users’ directions, like the upward arrow in GPA for cars. As for compatibility design 2, the direction on map was always northward to enhance directionality.

Entrances of Buildings.

The users were unable to find entrances of buildings in maps. Three approaches came out through the experiment. Entrances of building 1, the layouts of buildings and places were loaded to show up. Entrances of building 2, the pictures of building appearances were placed in maps. Entrances of building 3, the direction of entrances was described literally (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Entrances of buildings 1 (left), entrances of buildings 2 (middle) and entrances of buildings 3 (right).

Interface of Arrival.

No precise reminder popped out for arrival. In the experiment, two designs of interface of arrival were made. Interfaces of arrival 1, the screen zoomed in while the users were closed to destinations for clearer pictures, and the sound frequency of reminder was changed. Interfaces of arrival 2, the map was closed after arrival, and the pictures of building appearance showed up (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Interface of arrival 1 (left) and interface of arrival 2 (right).

Voice of Navigation.

Voices of navigation and outside sounds intervened mutually. In the experiment, vibration was substituted for vision and audition. The vibration was directional with its frequency and direction. Nevertheless, the research was shown as prototype; way of vibration was not allowed to be a part of the experiment so that it was not shown in the results.

3.5 Usability Evaluation

According to the results of dimensions above, except voice of navigation, the prototype was evaluated with Likert scale, 5 quality components, including Learnability, Efficiency, Memorability, Errors and Satisfaction. The design was made through the comparisons of above functions. The 25 participants, from 18 to 34 years old, at the average of 23, were invited to test the prototype, and all of them were digital native and frequently used navigation apps.

4 Discussion

4.1 Comprehensive Comparisons

For the seven dimension, learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors and satisfaction are calculated in t-test to make a superior navigation operation mode. Among the dimension, journey records, the compatibility of interfaces and the interface of arrival make much influences. In particular, journey records affects the most. According to the t-test, as significant level is set as 0.1, p-value equals to 0.089, reach significant level. Moreover, the mean of journey record 2 is higher than that of journey record 1, hence the participants prefer the operation mode of journey record 2.

Correspondingly, the compatibility makes a big influence. With paired sample t-test, as significant level is 0.1, p-value equals to 0.089, reach significant level. The mean of the compatibility of interfaces 2 is higher than that of the compatibility of interfaces 1, thus the participants prefer the compatibility of interfaces 2 operation mode.

The designs of arrival interfaces make a big influence. With paired sample t-test, as significant level is 0.1, p-value equals to 0.001, reach significant level. The mean of arrival interface 2 is higher than that of arrival interface 1, thus the participants prefer arrival interface 1 operation mode.

Moreover, the designs of reduction in map looking and buildings entrances have three interfaces in each. With one-way ANOVA, as significant level is set as 0.1, p-value is lower than 0.1, reach significant level. Among the designs of reduction in map looking, the total of reduction in map looking 3 is the lowest, which is not suitable for users; in terms of the design of buildings entrances, the total of building entrance 3 is the lowest, which is not suitable for users.

4.2 Usability Comparisons

According to the result of t-test, journey records 2 is the most memorable and satisfying, while compatibility of interface 2 is more learnable and memorable than compatibility of interface 1. In the designs of arrival interface, arrival interface 2 is better than arrival interface 1 in terms of 5 components, learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors and satisfaction. Among the camera interfaces, no obvious distinction is made. Nevertheless, in satisfaction scale, camera interface 1 gets lower score than the others, as camera interface 3 is the best.

4.3 Summary

In seven designs, no significant difference shows in journey exploration and camera interface. It is inferred that the participants operate; however, in satisfaction scale of camera interface, the users prefer new button linked to inner-built camera rather than split screen. To sum up, the significant distinctions are indicated as following.

  • Journey record 2: Routes and marked spots are recorded by GPS automatically, and journey record list is established after journey.

  • Reduction in map looking 2: other layer is added for navigation. Street view and route chart overlap to make comparison.

  • Compatibility of interface 2: the direction on map is always northward so as to increase the directionality of exploring.

  • Entrance of building 1, 2: In the entrances 1 the layouts of buildings and places pop out, and in the entrances 2 the pictures of buildings appearances show up.

  • Arrival interface 2: The maps are closed after arrival, and the pictures of buildings appearances show up.

  • Camera interface 3: the new camera button is added in the interface of navigation, which is linked to inner-built camera.

5 Conclusions

5.1 Conclusions and Future Work

With the advance of international, public traffic and independent travels, need for travel navigation increases. The study collects the problems walking travelers met in journey via the contextual inquiry, and in terms of vision and audition, the problems are divided into 8 dimensions, journey exploration, journey record, camera interface, reduction in map looking, compatibility of interface, building entrance, arrival interface and navigation reminder. The research provides direction for travel navigation design.

The study invites professional designers to make brainstorming for travel navigation prototype in accordance with the above categories. With the test and questionnaires, better design direction is provided. In the future, travel navigation design will be aimed at 8 dimensions to make further research. Moreover, the experiment is based on Google Maps, and intends to analyze different navigation systems for study. In future, travel navigation is expected to be more convenient and to enrich journeys.

5.2 Limitations of the Study

The contextual inquiry focuses on walking travel, and the primary participants are digital natives, who are familiar with smart phones, tablets and other electronic devices, hence the new functions are more learnable for them. Moreover, the prototype examines the functions separately, and does not integrate the 8 dimensions as a travel navigation app. The results suggests that integrated design is supposed to be made for further plans.