Nanofluids are the dilute suspensions of nanomaterials with distinctive and enhanced features. Nanofluids can be used in a variety of industrial applications because of improved thermophysical properties. Stability of nanofluids is the only quandary factor which decreases the efficiency of such smart fluids in engineering applications. The information and studies on interaction of nanomaterials with the liquid have significant importance toward their usage in industrial applications. Agglomeration among particles is a common issue due to interactive forces, which effects the dispersion, rheology, and overall performance of nanosuspensions. Characterization of nanofluids plays an important role to evaluate the stability of nanofluids. The effect of agglomeration on the stability of nanofluids can be reduced by introducing different mechanical and chemical techniques to prolong dispersion of suspended particles in liquids. Complete understanding on the stability of nanofluids can lead to the preparation of different combinations of stable nanofluids with enhanced properties for variety of applications.
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- a :
Particle radius
- \(a_{1}\) :
Particle radius of sphere 1
- \(a_{2}\) :
Particle radius of sphere 2
- A :
Hamaker constant
- \(A_{1}\) :
Darcy’s permeability constant
- \(A_{2}\) :
Modified permeability constant
- d :
Average diameter of particle, nm
- \(d_{0}\) :
Reference average particle diameter, 100Â nm
- \(D_{P}\) :
Diameter of particle
- g :
Gravitational constant
- h :
Surface-to-surface separation distance
- H :
Height of sediment due to consolidation
- \(H_{S}\) :
Height of sediment/bed height
- \(H_{T}\) :
Total height of sample
- \(H_{o}\) :
Initial height of the sediment due to consolidation
- \(H_{\infty }\) :
Equilibrium height of the sediment due to consolidation
- K :
Thickness of electrical double layer
- n :
Empirical constant
- \(pH_{f}\) :
pH of base fluid
- \(pH_{nf}\) :
pH of nanofluids
- \(P_{L}\) :
Hydraulic excess pressure
- T :
Absolute temperature, K
- \(T_{0}\) :
Reference temperature, 273Â K
- \(T_{C}\) :
Consolidation time factor
- u :
Relative velocity of liquid to solids
- \(U_{C}\) :
Average consolidation ratio
- v :
Terminal settling velocity
- \(v_{R}\) :
Potential energy per unit area between two spheres or plates
- \(V_{A}\) :
Energy due to attractive forces
- \(V_{B}\) :
Born interaction potential energy
- \(V_{R}\) :
Electrical double-layer interaction potential energy
- \(V_{T}\) :
Total interaction potential
- x :
- \(z_{1 - 8}\) :
Regression constants
- \(\sigma_{c}^{{}}\) :
Collision diameter
- \(\rho_{P}\) :
Density of particles
- \(\rho_{f}\) :
Density of fluid
- \(\mu\) :
Viscosity of liquid
- \(\varepsilon\) :
- \(\omega\) :
Volume of solids per unit cross-sectional area
- \(\varphi\) :
Volumetric concentration of particles
- \(\psi_{o}\) :
Particle surface potential
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Ilyas, S.U., Pendyala, R., Marneni, N. (2017). Stability of Nanofluids. In: Korada, V., Hisham B Hamid, N. (eds) Engineering Applications of Nanotechnology. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-29761-3_1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-29761-3_1
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-29759-0
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-29761-3
eBook Packages: EngineeringEngineering (R0)