We formally introduce, define, and construct memory-hard puzzles. Intuitively, for a difficulty parameter t, a cryptographic puzzle is memory-hard if any parallel random access machine (PRAM) algorithm with “small” cumulative memory complexity (\(\ll t^2\)) cannot solve the puzzle; moreover, such puzzles should be both “easy” to generate and be solvable by a sequential RAM algorithm running in time t. Our definitions and constructions of memory-hard puzzles are in the standard model, assuming the existence of indistinguishability obfuscation (\(i\mathcal {O}\)) and one-way functions (OWFs), and additionally assuming the existence of a memory-hard language. Intuitively, a language is memory-hard if it is undecidable by any PRAM algorithm with “small” cumulative memory complexity, while a sequential RAM algorithm running in time t can decide the language. Our definitions and constructions of memory-hard objects are the first such definitions and constructions in the standard model without relying on idealized assumptions (such as random oracles).
We give two applications which highlight the utility of memory-hard puzzles. For our first application, we give a construction of a (one-time) memory-hard function (MHF) in the standard model, using memory-hard puzzles and additionally assuming \(i\mathcal {O}\) and OWFs. For our second application, we show any cryptographic puzzle (e.g., memory-hard, time-lock) can be used to construct resource-bounded locally decodable codes (LDCs) in the standard model, answering an open question of Blocki, Kulkarni, and Zhou (ITC 2020). Resource-bounded LDCs achieve better rate and locality than their classical counterparts under the assumption that the adversarial channel is resource bounded (e.g., a low-depth circuit). Prior constructions of MHFs and resource-bounded LDCs required idealized primitives like random oracles.
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- 1.
Such hash functions generate a hashing key that statistically binds the i-th input bit. For example, a hash output y may have many different preimages, but all preimages have the same i-th bit. Construction of such hash functions exist under standard cryptographic assumptions such as DDH and LWE, among others [78].
- 2.
- 3.
In fact, one can provably show that the \(\mathsf {cmc} \) is \(t^{2-\varepsilon }\) in the random oracle model.
- 4.
Informally, a language is non-parallelizing if any polynomial sized circuit deciding the language has large depth.
- 5.
For our purposes, we require the size of the succinct circuit to be poly-logarithmic in the size of the full circuit. One can easily replace this requirement with the requirement presented in Definition 1.
- 6.
In this example, we assume sub-exponentially secure \(i\mathcal {O} \).
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Mohammad Hassan Ameri was supported in part by NSF award #1755708, by IARPA under the HECTOR program, and by a Summer Research Grant from Purdue University. Alexander R. Block was supported in part by NSF CCF #1910659. Jeremiah Blocki was supported in part by NSF CNS #1755708, NSF CNS #2047272, and NSF CCF #1910659 and by IARPA under the HECTOR program.
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Ameri, M.H., Block, A.R., Blocki, J. (2022). Memory-Hard Puzzles in the Standard Model with Applications to Memory-Hard Functions and Resource-Bounded Locally Decodable Codes. In: Galdi, C., Jarecki, S. (eds) Security and Cryptography for Networks. SCN 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13409. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-14791-3_3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-14791-3_3
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
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