
1 Introduction

Data clustering, i.e., finding groups of similar objects, is an established and widely used technique for unsupervised problems and/or for explorative data analysis. However, when facing high-dimensional data, particularly clustering algorithms quickly reach the boundaries of their usefulness as most of them are not designed to deal with the problems known by the “curse of dimensionality”. Due to inherent sparsity in high-dimensional data, distances between any two objects measured in the full dimensional space tend to become the same for all pairs of objects and, thus, can no longer be used to distinguish similar from dissimilar objects. Furthermore, clusters often appear within different lower dimensional subspaces. Therefore, it is usually not useful to search for clusters in the full dimensional data space or apply dimensionality reduction which would only result in one subspace rather than several different ones. To overcome those issues, several subspace clustering algorithms have been developed in the past that simultaneously search for meaningful subspaces and for clusters (within these subspaces). Some of these algorithms, e.g. [4, 15, 16], assume attribute independence and restrict themselves to the detection of axis-parallel subspace clusters for performance reason. More general, so-called correlation clustering algorithms, e.g. [1, 2, 7, 8], allow arbitrarily oriented subspaces that represent a (usually linear) combination of features, i.e., explicitly allow correlation among features.

Another, yet less considered challenge is subspace clustering in data streams. Nowadays, as data is produced with high velocity, streaming algorithms become more and more important. This also holds for areas where high-dimensional data is produced rapidly, e.g., in industry where large numbers of machine sensors record huge amounts of data within short time periods. In these scenarios, the data can usually no longer be stored entirely and hence there is a general need for suitable data handling strategies for clustering algorithms such that the data can be processed within a single scan. In this work, we tackle this problem and present a novel oriented subspace clustering algorithm that is able to detect arbitrarily oriented subspace clusters in data streams. This method not only reduces the amount of required memory for processing the data significantly, but also compresses entire groups of data that are similar wrt to various combinations of features. The key idea of the proposed method is to load chunks of data into memory, deriving so-called Concepts as summary structures and applying a decay mechanism to downgrade the relevance of stale data. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates the usefulness of the presented method and shows that the used heap space is drastically reduced without losses in terms of runtime and accuracy.

2 Related Work

Correlation Clustering. Static algorithms for oriented subspace clustering can be categorized into PCA-based and Hough-based approaches. The PCA-based approaches [2, 5, 7] rely on decomposing neighborhood sets into Eigensystems that are used to define the corresponding subspaces. The usage of neighborhood sets makes them prone to outliers and noise. In contrast, approaches based on Hough transformations [1, 14] rely on parameter space transformations, making them generally more robust. All these methods have been designed for static data and are not applicable in streaming environments.

Stream Clustering. Previously published work on stream clustering can generally be distinguished by the way the algorithms process the incoming data. A large group of algorithms rely on (clustering) feature vector (CF) data structures that have originally been proposed for the BIRCH algorithm [22]. The idea is to represent a set of data objects by only a few key statistics that sufficiently describe the aggregated data. This approach has been adapted for many other stream clustering approaches, e.g., [3, 9, 10]. Another compression technique that is widely employed for stream clustering is to only keep track of the cluster representatives. The basic idea is to represent entire chunks of data solely in form of cluster representatives, e.g., cluster centroids, [12, 17, 23]. Further, but less related, techniques to deal with the challenge of summarizing data streams can be found in [21].

Subspace Clustering in Data Streams. The first method able to cluster high-dimensional data streams properly was HPStream [4], a k-means based axis-parallel subspace clustering method that uses an adopted form of CF vectors to represent relevant cluster statistics. IncPreDeCon [15] is an incremental, axis-parallel subspace clsutering algorithm based on a density-based clustering model that supports incremental updates but lacks supporting any form of aging and hence cannot deal with streaming data directly. PreDeConStream [13] and HDDStream [16] present density-based (axis-parallel) subspace clustering algorithms that both aggregate incoming data objects within different microcluster structures and retrieve the final clustering by following (slightly different) variants of the density-based clustering scheme proposed in [6]. The SiblingTree method [18] is a grid-based axis-parallel subspace clustering approach aiming at detecting all low-dimensional clusters in all subspaces. All these previously mentioned methods are limited to find axis-parallel subspaces. The recently presented CorrStream algorithm [8] is a PCA-based approach for arbitrarily-oriented subspace clustering on data streams. As a PCA-based method, it determines subspace clusters derived from neighborhood sets, and hence is prone to outliers. In contrast, our method relies on Hough transformation and hence is able to filter outlier.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Left: data space, right: Hough space

3 Correlation Clustering Using Hough Transform

The Hough transformation originally has been introduced for detecting linear segments in image data [19]. The basic idea is to map every object in data space to its corresponding object function in Hough space, and subsequently identify intersections of a specific amount of object functions. If such an intersection exists, the corresponding data objects are located on a line segment in data space. This duality of the Hough transform is shown in Fig. 1. The CASH algorithm [1] borrows this idea of parameter space transformation for the sake of oriented subspace clustering. Precisely, they transform objects from data space to Hough space and scan the Hough space for dense areas, i.e., areas where many functions intersect, by subdividing the space into grid cells in a top-down fashion. For a given cell c, if the number of object functions intersecting c is greater or equal than a pre-defined minPts parameter, c is split into halves according to a predefined order on the axes. The division terminates if a resulting cell is either considered sparse, i.e., the number of object functions intersecting this cell is less than minPts, or a maximum number of splits maxSplit is reached. A grid cell c that is dense after maxSplit divisions represents a cluster: the points corresponding to the functions intersecting c form a cluster within a arbitrarily oriented \((d-1)\)-dimensional subspace. However, the cluster (or some of the contained objects) might form an even lower dimensional cluster. Therefore, the object functions that form the \((d-1)\)-dimensional cluster are transformed back into the data space and projected onto the orthonormal basis that can be derived from c. To detect subspace clusters of lower dimensions, the CASH algorithm is performed on the resulting \((d-1)\)-dimensional dataset recursively until no more cluster can be found.

figure a

4 CashStream

4.1 Data Processing: Batch Processing

Regarding the facts that data cannot be kept in memory entirely and stale data shall be downgraded within stream applications, the CASH algorithm cannot be adjusted straightforwardly. To tackle these challenges, we propose to process incoming data in batches, similar to [12], i.e., loading chunks of data into memory and eventually computing cluster representatives which are kept in memory while the actual data objects are discarded. This data processing scheme has several advantages as it (1) enables the adaptation to concept shifts since processing data batch-wise allows to identify dense grid cellsFootnote 1, potentially with novel subspaces, during the division steps, (2) caps the amount of consumed memory and (3) even allows the flexibility to adjust to changing data dimensionality as there is no need for defining a static grid. Precisely, our algorithm basically performs an adapted variant of CASH on single data chunks and keeps cluster representatives, that we will refer to as Concepts, in memory. Since the Concepts must be maintained efficiently, they are designed to be additive, such that two similar Concepts can conveniently be unified into a single Concept (see Fig. 2). Algorithm 1 outlines the main procedure of CashStream. After defining the Concept data structure, we define the similarity between Concepts and describe the unification step as well as the aging procedure in the following.

Fig. 2.
figure 2


4.2 Cluster Representatives: Concepts

As a suitable summary structure for data objects that are assigned to a cluster, we define a Concept as follows.

Definition 1

A Concept is a data structure used as abstraction of a cluster resulting from CASH. In a data space \(\mathcal {D} \in \mathbb {R}^d\), a Concept of dimensionality \(l<d\) captures an l-dimensional hyperplane in parameter space \(\mathcal {P}\) with aggregated information of the data objects it contained as a result of CASH. A Concept consists of the following attributes:

  • a set E containing \(d-l\) equations in Hessian normal form,

  • mean \(\mu \) of all data objects that are assigned to the cluster,

  • number of data objects N that are assigned to the cluster,

  • the timestamp t of the last update, and

  • reference P to parent Concept of dimensionality \(l+1\), if \(l < d-1\).

The \(d-l\) equations in Hessian normal form are the hyperplane equations that define the l-dimensional subspace. These are obviously an essential part of the Concept as they describe the subspace, are used for the unification with other Concepts, and also are part of the final result of CashStream. The mean \(\mu \) is the centroid of the data objects that are assigned to the corresponding cluster and is used for checking whether the Concept can be merged with another one. N denotes the number of data objects that are assigned to the cluster. This value and the timestamp t of the last update of this Concept are used to calculate an importance score for the Concept. The importance scores are used to weight the Concepts for the unification of two similar Concepts, since a recent Concept that represents a large number of data objects should contribute more than a stale Concept that does not represent as many objects. Finally, a Concept also includes a reference to a parent Concept, i.e., a Concept representing a higher-dimensional subspace in which the child Concept is embedded. This enables CashStream to retrieve a cluster hierarchy.

On Representing Subspaces in Hessian Normal Form. The Hessian normal form (HNF) [20] has proven to be a well-suited representation for linear correlation cluster models as it contains a normal vector which describes the orientation of the corresponding hyperplane, respectively subspace. This is essential for the unification step as we use the orientations of two subspaces to determine their similarity. By using the HNF, we can formally describe a \((d-1)\)-dimensional hyperplane \(\mathcal {H}\) as

$$\begin{aligned} \varvec{x}\cdot \varvec{n} + b \le \epsilon , \end{aligned}$$

with \(\cdot \) indicating the scalar product, \(\varvec{x} \in \mathbb {R}^d\) denoting a data point lying on the hyperplane, \(\varvec{n} \in \mathbb {R}^d\) denoting the unit normal vector and b being the minimum distance between the hyperplane and the origin. Since subspace clusters typically are not perfectly correlated, we allow a certain amount of deviation \(\epsilon \) and consider every data point \(\varvec{x}\) that solves this equation to lie on \(\mathcal {H}\). Note that the \(\epsilon \) parameter is implicitly defined by setting the maxSplit parameter, i.e., the parameter that basically defines the size of a grid cell on the lowest split level.

A Concept contains \(d-l\) of such hyperplane equations as it requires \(d-l\) HNF equations for describing a l-dimensional subspace. Intuitively, this can be understood as follows: if \(d-l\) \((d-1)\)-dimensional hyperplanes intersect in a d-dimensional space (with \(l < d\)), the intersection is a l-dimensional hyperplane. Mathematically, this can be seen as solving a simple linear system

$$\begin{aligned} Ax=b, \end{aligned}$$

with A denoting an \(m\times d\) matrix, where m is the number of normal vectors. If \(d > m\), the linear system is under determined and hence the solution set describes a \((d-m)\)-dimensional subspace.

As described in Sect. 3, CashStream likewise projects the data objects of an i-dimensional cluster onto the corresponding \((i-1)\)-dimensional subspace to find even lower dimensional clusters. In particular, it also produces an i-dimensional normal vector \(\varvec{n}_{i}\) to define an i-dimensional basis \(B_{i}\) from which the \((i-1)\)-dimensional subspace is derived as \(B_{i} \setminus \varvec{n}_{i} \in \mathbb {R}^{i-1}\) in this step. By doing this iteratively until no lower dimensional subspace can be found, the CASH procedure retrieves an ordered set of \(d-l\) HNF equations for an l-dimensional subspace, i.e.,

$$\begin{aligned} \varvec{n}_d\cdot x + r_0 = 0 \\ \varvec{n}_{d-1}\cdot \left( B_d \setminus \varvec{n}_d \cdot x \right) + r_1 = 0 \\ \varvec{n}_{d-2}\cdot \left( B_{d-1} \setminus \varvec{n}_{d-1} \cdot (B_d \setminus \varvec{n}_d \cdot x) \right) + r_2 = 0 \\ \dots \end{aligned}$$

with \(\varvec{n}_{d-i} \in \mathbb {R}^{d-i}\), \(0 \le i < l\), denoting the \((d-i)\)-dimensional normal vector that defines the \((d-i)\)-dimensional basis \(B_{d-i}\), x being a data point associated with the i-dimensional subspace cluster and \(r_{i}\) being the distances between the subspace hyperplane and the origin. \(B_{d-i} \setminus \varvec{n}_{d-i}\) is a \((d-i-1) \times (d-i)\) projection matrix that is used to project \((d-i)\)-dimensional data objects onto the \((d-i-1)\)-dimensional subspace. However, for measuring the similarity between two Concepts (cf. Sect. 4.3), the normal vectors have to be d-dimensional. We therefore reconstruct d-dimensional normal vectors from lower-dimensional normal vectors as follows. Let \(\varvec{n}_{d-i} \in \mathbb {R}^{d-i}\), with \(0< i < l\), be the \((d-i)\)-dimensional normal vector defining the subspace whose basis is denoted as \(B_{d-i-1} = B_{d-i} \setminus \varvec{n}_{d-i}\), then the reconstructed d-dimensional normal vector \(\varvec{n}'_{d} \in \mathbb {R}^{d}\) is

$$\varvec{n}'_{d} = \left( \left( \left( \left( \varvec{n}_{d-i} \cdot B_{d-i+1} \setminus \varvec{n}_{d-i+1} \right) \cdot B_{d-i+2} \setminus \varvec{n}_{d-i+2} \right) \cdot \dots \right) \cdot B_{d} \setminus \varvec{n}_{d} \right) .$$

Employing this reconstruction strategy to all \((d-i)\)-dimensional normal vectors with \(0< i < l\) in addition with the d-dimensional normal vector \(\varvec{n}_d\) finally results in the desired set of \(d-l\) non-parallel, and hence linearly independent [11], d-dimensional normal vectors that define the \(d-l\) hyperplane equations.

4.3 Similarity Between Concepts

Theoretically, there is an infinite number of equation sets describing a single subspace cluster, e.g., a 1-dimensional subspace cluster can be modeled by the intersection of two 2D hyperplanes, the orientation of which is not necessarily important. In terms of Concept similarity, this means that two Concepts shall be considered similar as long as the intersections of their subspace equations describe approximately the same subspace, regardless the orientations of their subspace equations when considering them individually. Given this observation and the fact that each subspace hyperplane is defined by its normal vectors, we formalize the distance measure based on the following idea: Understanding an intersecting set of hyperplanes as the set of their respective normal vectors, every other normal vector contained in a second set of equations representing the same linear subspace is linearly dependent to the first set. However, since we aim at quantifying the linear dependence of these vectors rather than just determining whether they are linearly dependent or not, we propose the following similarity measure. Given a set of linearly independent normal vectors \(V = \{\varvec{n}_1,..., \varvec{n}_k\}\), we quantify the linear dependence of another vector \(\varvec{m}\) wrt V by calculating the singular values SV(A) of matrix \(A = (\varvec{n_1},..., \varvec{n_k}, \varvec{m})\) and dividing the smallest value by the largest one. The closer the resulting value

$$L_{dep}\left( \underbrace{ \varvec{v}_1,...\varvec{v}_k, \varvec{m} }_\text {A}\right) = \frac{ \min \left( SV(A)\right) }{\max \left( SV(A)\right) }$$

is to zero, the closer the vectors of the matrix are to being linearly dependent due to adding \(\varvec{m}\). Given two Concepts \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) with their sets of normal vectors \(N_1\) and \(N_2\) being of cardinality k, and each normal vector representing a \((d-k)\)-dimensional subspace, we define the Singular Value Distance as follows:

$$SV_{dist} (C_1,C_2) = \max \limits _{\varvec{n} \in N_2 } \left( L_{dep}(N_1, \varvec{n}) \right) .$$

Note that this distance measure only accounts for the orientation of the correlation clusters described by the Concepts. However, two Concepts that describe different, parallel subspaces would have a singular value distance equal to zero. To avoid an unification of such Concepts we introduce the following secondary measure accounting for the actual distance in an Euclidean sense, i.e.,

$$ d_{perp}(p,E) = |n_1p_1 + ... + n_dp_d - r|,$$

with p denoting any data point of a Concept \(C_1\), E denoting the HNF equation of a Concept \(C_2\) and n being the corresponding normal vector. As the actual data points that defined the subspace are not available due to aggregating the necessary information, we use the centroid of the Concept as representative. Thus, we compute the Equation Shift Distance between two Concepts \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) as

$$\begin{aligned} d_{shift}(C_1,C_2) = \max \limits _{i=1,...,k} d_{perp}(\varvec{\mu }_2,E_{1,i}), \end{aligned}$$

with \(E_{1,i}\) being the hyperplane equations of \(C_1\) and \(\varvec{\mu }_2\) being the mean of all data points forming the subspace captured in \(C_2\).

4.4 Aging and Unification

Aging. Informally, the unification of two Concepts is the process of merging two subspace cluster representatives. However, when unifying two Concepts it is important to consider the importance of the Concepts, as for instance a very recent Concept is typically more important than a stale Concept, or a Concept that represents lots of data objects is more important than a Concept that represents only a few. Therefore, we introduce an importance score for each Concept that we use as weighting factor when merging two Concepts. Formally, we define the importance score of a Concept C as

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {I}(C) = e^{-\lambda \varDelta t} \cdot N_{C}, \end{aligned}$$

with \(\lambda \) being the decay parameter, \(\varDelta t\) being the temporal difference between the current timestamp and the timestamp given in C, and \(N_{C}\) being the number of data objects that have been assigned to C. The first part of this equation, i.e., \(e^{-\lambda \varDelta t}\), is referred to as temporal part and contains the damping factor \(\lambda > 0\). A high value of \(\lambda \) means low importance of old data and vice versa. The temporal part is also used to discard very old Concepts that are considered irrelevant for an up-to-date subspace clustering model. We therefore introduce a threshold \(\theta \) that basically models a sliding window approach as a Concept whose temporal part falls below the threshold \(\theta \) is discarded.

Unification. After extracting the new Concepts of a batch and recalculating the importance score of all Concepts in memory, we perform an unification step for the new Concepts and the previously extracted ones. Beginning at dimensionality \(d-1\), we compare all Concepts pairwise in terms of similarity and unify two Concepts if they are similar enough wrt some similarity threshold. The unification is continued in descending order regarding dimensionality. If two Concepts \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) of the same dimensionality can be unified, the following operations are performed to create the resulting Concept \(C^*\):

  • For each pair of equations \(E_{1,i}\) and \(E_{2,i}\) with \(0<i<d-l\), we define a new equation \(E^*_i\) by using the weighted mean of the normal vectors and the weighted mean of the distances to the origin of the two equations, i.e.,

    $$ E^*_i = \frac{\mathcal {I}(C_1)\cdot n_{E_{1,i}} + \mathcal {I}(C_2) \cdot n_{E_{2,i}}}{2} \cdot x + \frac{\mathcal {I}(C_1)\cdot r_{E_{1,i}} + \mathcal {I}(C_2)\cdot r_{E_{2,i}}}{2}. $$

    This creates a new and possibly slightly shifted set of hyperplane equations.

  • The mean representative for \(C^*\) is calculated by weighting the respective means from \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) with their importance, i.e.,

    $$ \mu _{C^*} = \frac{\mathcal {I}(C_1)\cdot \mu _{C_1} + \mathcal {I}(C_2) \cdot \mu _{C_2}}{2}. $$
  • The number of data objects represented by \(C^*\) is the sum of data objects represented by \(C_1\) and \(C_2\), i.e., \(N_{C^*} = N_{C_1} + N_{C_2}\).

  • The timestamp of \(C^*\) is set to the current timestamp, i.e., the timestamp of the younger Concept \(C_1\), such that \(t_{C^*} = t_{C_1}\).

  • The reference to the parent Concept of \(C^*\) will be set to the parent Concept of \(C_1\). Pointers of Concepts having \(C_1\) or \(C_2\) as parent are set to \(C^*\).

As Concepts do not have to be identical wrt normal vectors and origin distances in order to trigger the unification, there will be some shifts of the yet found subspace clusters. In some applications it might be useful to record these shifts, e.g., to detect abnormal behaviors. CashStream enables the tracking of concept shift, since eventual drifts would result in rotations or parallel shifts of one or several plane equations describing the Concept. Hence, one simply has to record changes that may result from an unification of an old and a new Concept to get a history of changes in the underlying data distribution. However, this comes to the costs of requiring additional memory space.

5 Experiments

We evaluate CashStream by comparing the proposed streaming algorithm against the static counterpart CASH wrt the performance indicators accuracy, throughput and memory consumption. Those measures are important metrics for streaming methods as these methods typically aim at trading some accuracy for a drastically decreased memory consumption, or runtime.

Datasets. We use synthetic and real world datasets throughout this section. The synthetic dataset is a 4-dimensional set of points, containing two 2-dimensional planes of 1000 data points each, and 1000 random noise points. The planes both are jittered, making the data not perfectly correlated within their corresponding subspaces (as it appears in real world applications). The real-world dataset is a slightly manipulated version of the wages dataset. The original dataset has also been used in [1], and consists of 534 records each having four different features, i.e., age, years of education, years of experience and salary. However, we enlarge the dataset by copying and shuffling the records such that we have 40000 data points and finally can use the data to simulate a data stream appropriately.

Parameter Settings. We perform grid searches over various parameter settings and report the results for the best settings. Precisely, we range the parameters over the following sets: damping factor \(\lambda \in \{ .2, .5, .8\}\), temporal threshold \(\theta \in \{.5, .8, 1\}\), singular value distance threshold \(\tau _{SVdist} \in \{ .005, .01, .02, .03\}\), and equation shift distance threshold \(\tau _{shift} \in \{ .05, .1, .15\}\)Footnote 2. The timestamp of a batch is set according to its number, i.e., the i-th batch gets timestamp i. The minPts parameter that must be set for CASH is set proportionally to the batch size, i.e., \(minPts = \tilde{m} \cdot s\), with \(\tilde{m}\) being the minPts fraction and s being the batch size. The other CASH specific parameter maxSplits is set according to the dataset at hand and reported for each experiment individually.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Throughput for various batch sizes on the wages dataset; values above the bars are the absolute runtimes in sec; maxSplits = 10, \(\tilde{m}\) = 0.2.

Clustering Quality. For measuring the clustering quality of CashStream, we compare the results to a clustering on the same dataset for several different settings of the batch size parameter, including the batch size for which a single batch contains the entire dataset, which is equivalent to the static CASH. In terms of evaluation metrics, we employ the Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) and the Adjusted Mutual Information (AMI) scores. Note that due to the lack of ground truth in the real-world dataset, we restrict ourselves to a synthetic dataset for evaluating the clustering quality. The calculated ARI and AMI for this dataset can be seen in Table 1. In general, it can be observed that the clustering quality slightly drops when choosing a batch size below 1000. This might indicate that the subsample might not reflect the data distribution sufficiently when choosing the batch size too small, which can be especially problematic in scenarios where correlations are imperfect. Another reason for the decreasing clustering accuracy can be the presence of temporal effects (i.e., slight drifts in the data distribution, increasing amount of noise, etc.).

Table 1. Results on the synthetic dataset. k is the number of batches, maxSplits = 9, \(\tilde{m}\) = 0.3.

Runtime/Throughput. We investigate the actual throughput in terms of data points per second. In general, our evaluation of the throughput can be understood as a runtime comparison between the batched algorithm and the static CASH. For the throughput experiment, we used the enlarged real-world dataset to demonstrate the scalability of the batched streaming approach. In Fig. 3, we report the throughput in data points per second and the total runtime in seconds. Each of the reported values is the mean value over three runs. For all those runs, we compared the resulting clustering models (by means of comparing the detected subspaces) with the expected clustering model and selected the parameter setting according to the best result. This experiment shows that the stream processing procedure has no loss in runtime compared to the static variant. In particular, it can be seen that the unification of Concepts barely has any effect on the runtime performance. We also observe that the batch size barely affects this performance measure.

Memory. As memory consumption is a critical metric for streaming applications, we show the monitored RAM usage of the batched approach and compare it to the static CASH. Precisely, we report the heap space usage profiles for both approaches as the memory usage at runtime is the decisive performance metric. The shown graphs were created using Java ViusalVM 1.4.2, which is included in the Java JDK. To simulate a light-weight system, we cap the maximal available heap space to 2 GB (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Heap space usage profiles for the wages dataset (maxSplits = 8, \(\tilde{m}\) = 0.2).

For this experiment, we again use the enlarged wages dataset. This time the dataset consists of 20000 data points (augmented the same way as previously). Figure 4a shows the heap usage profile when using a single batch that contains all data points, resp. the static version, and Fig. 4b shows the profile when computing the same experiment with three batches.

For the static approach simulated in the full-sized 20000 points batch, the heap space rises steadily to a maximum level of around 1500 MB. When subdividing the points into 3 batches of 6666 points, we observe two crucial details: Firstly, the peak heap space usage is approx. 850 MB, which is significantly lower than in the static approach. Secondly, the three sequentially processed batches can clearly be identified as three peaks in the heap space profile.

6 Conclusion

In this work, we presented the novel subspace clustering algorithm CashStream that is able to deal with high-dimensional streaming data efficiently. Precisely, CashStream relies on the subspace clustering paradigm that was introduced for the static CASH algorithm, i.e., using Hough transformations to identify interesting linear subspaces. However, in contrast to CASH, the proposed algorithm uses a batch processing scheme, identifies interesting subspaces within the data batches, and subsequently compresses important information within Concept data structures. Our experiments showed that CashStream is fairly robust against different choices for the batch size and simultaneously reduces the memory consumption significantly compared to the static CASH algorithm (less than 50% on the real-world dataset). At the same time the loss in terms of clustering quality is negligible.