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Runtime Logs 

Runtime Logs provides an aggregated, near real-time view into recent application logs generated by WordPress and Node.js environments. These logs provide insights into the current health of an environment and can be helpful for debugging issues.

Runtime Logs for an environment can be accessed:

Timestamps in Runtime Logs are formatted in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Log types

Two types of logs can be retrieved:

  • Application Logs from web containers (i.e. log entries generated by HTTP requests) are displayed by default for both WordPress and Node.js environments.
  • Batch Logs from batch containers (i.e. log entries generated by cron tasks) are available for WordPress environments only.

For WordPress applications, Runtime Logs reports PHP errors including fatals, warnings, and notices (depending on the error_reporting level defined for an application) as well as any logs that are output using the error_log() function.

For Node.js applications, Runtime Logs retrieves output sent to stdout or stderr, which is most commonly handled by the console class.


  • Logs are aggregated from across multiple containers, then grouped by container and ordered by timestamp. This may cause multiline log entries to be returned in an unexpected order.
  • Runtime Logs fetches raw logs from containers. An environment’s containers—and its logs—are replaced with new containers when a deployment is made. Only the logs on a current set of containers are retrievable.
  • Logs are not guaranteed to persist for any length of time and will be cleared as needed. Applications that generate high volumes of logs will be cleared more often.
  • Combined requests for Runtime Logs via VIP-CLI and the VIP Dashboard are rate-limited to:
    • 20 fetch attempts per environment every 2 minutes
    • 20 fetch attempts per user and per environment every 60 seconds

Last updated: January 02, 2025

Relevant to

  • Node.js
  • WordPress