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Test your site

It is important to ensure that your site is working as planned before a launch.

Before shifting traffic to a new site, make sure the site is working as expected and that it is as performant and secure as possible. In general, continuous performance checks should occur during development on a non-production environment, but tests on a production environment just before launch are also recommended.

Set aside time to thoroughly review and test the site at least two business days prior to launch. Factor in time that might be needed to resolve unexpected launch-blocking bugs that could be discovered during testing.

Test the front end of a site (desktop and mobile browsers) as well as the back end (server and WordPress Admin) functionality to ensure the site functions as expected.

If anything appears broken or is not working as expected, utilize the browser’s inspector tools and VIP’s performance and log resources to determine which errors or warnings need to be addressed.

Last updated: November 25, 2024