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Assigning Rackspace permissions


Dedicated Hosting accounts only support groups to user-groups mapping. Please refer to: Assign user-groups based on a user’s group membership.

This section provides examples of assigning Rackspace permissions.

Basic role base permissions

All Rackspace permissions for federated users are granted through roles that you assign in the Attribute Mapping Policy.

The following code shows a basic example of an Attribute Mapping Policy for Rackspace Cloud:

    - local:
          domain: '999994919999'
          email: "{At(http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress)}"
          expire: "PT12H"
          name: "{D}"
            - "admin"
            - "ticketing:admin"
  version: RAX-1

In this example, the admin and ticketing:admin roles are explicitly assigned to any users who log in by using this Identity Provider and Attribute Mapping Policy.

For basic Identity Federation setups, this basic setup may be sufficient.

For a full list of Rackspace Cloud product roles, see Rackspace Cloud roles reference.

For detailed information about Rackspace roles for Dedicated Hosting accounts, use the following steps to access the MyRackspace Customer Portal Permissions Guide:

  1. Log in to the MyRackspace Portal.
  2. In the sub-navigation bar, select Account > Permissions.
  3. On the Permissions page, click Permissions Guide in the top-right corner.

Permissions by groups


Please refer to Using the mapping:get-attributes call for more information about retrieving the groups claim.

For more complex scenarios, especially where access to Rackspace products is governed by roles or groups defined in your corporate identity system, the Attribute Mapping Policy language provides more flexible control.

Assign roles based on a user’s group membership

The following code shows a complex example of an Attribute Mapping Policy for Rackspace Cloud:

    - local:
          domain: '9999953939'
          email: "{At(urn:oid:1.2.840.113549.}"
          expire: "{Pt(/saml2p:Response/saml2:Assertion/saml2:Conditions/@NotOnOrAfter[1])}"
          name: "{D}"
            - "{0}"
        - path: |
                if (mapping:get-attributes('http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/claims/Group')='mycompany.rackspace.admin') then ('billing:admin', 'ticketing:admin','admin') else (),
                if (mapping:get-attributes('http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/claims/Group')='mycompany.rackspace.billing') then 'billing:admin' else (),
                if (mapping:get-attributes('http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/claims/Group')='mycompany.rackspace.ticketing') then 'ticketing:admin' else ()
          multiValue: true
 version: RAX-1

Assign user-groups based on a user’s group membership

The following code shows a complex example of an Attribute Mapping Policy for Rackspace Cloud/Dedicated Hosting:

    - local:
          domain: "{D}"
          email: "{Pt(/saml2p:Response/saml2:Assertion/saml2:Subject/saml2:NameID)}"
          expire: PT12H
          groups: "{0}"
          name: "{D}"
        - multiValue: true
          path: |
                if (mapping:get-attributes('groups')='admin_group') then ('user-group-admin') else (),
                if (mapping:get-attributes('groups')='user_group') then ('user-group-user') else (),
                if (mapping:get-attributes('groups')='low_group') then ('user-group-low') else ()
  version: RAX-1

The above examples uses the substitution and piping features of the Attribute Mapping Policy, in conjunction with XPath, to observe the SAML groups value and to assign values to the local groups value based on any matching scenarios. (The {0} indicator under groups causes the resultant value(s) of the first remote rule to be substituted in its place.)

For more examples and a complete guide to the Attribute Mapping Policy language, see the Appendix: Attribute Mapping Policy Reference.