Ubuntu Guide (x86_64)
We can not confirm with certainty that MaXXdesktop will "work out-of-the-box" on Ubuntu derivatives.
Release Notes for Octane Alpha v2.2.0
Backup Older MaXXdesktop Installation
To guaranty a successful installation or upgrade, we still recommend to backup your current MaXXdesktop installation. Follow the simple instructions below.
It is VERY IMPORTANT to backup your older MaXXdesktop installation outside a running MaXXdesktop session. Ideally from the text console or from another desktop session like GNOME or KDE.
1. Backup you current MaXXdesktop Installation.
$ sudo -s
cd /opt
mv MaXX MaXX-old
2. Run the following commands (AS ROOT or SUDOER) to remove deprecated files from older versions of MaXXdesktop.
This step is optional in case you modified or installed old MaXX GTK Themes. At this point you probably know what your are doing...
$ sudo -s
rm /usr/share/themes/IndigoMagic
rm /usr/share/themes/Rio
rm /usr/share/themes/Gotham
rm /usr/share/themes/MaXX*
Below are the prerequisites for installing and running MaXXdesktop and some older X11/Motif applications...
System Requirements
Supported 64 bit (x86_64) Linux distribution running on an Intel or AMD CPU.
Minimum of 8GB recommended, althought MaXXdesktop runs fine on 4GB. Be warn of OOM Killer (oom_repear).
Storage Space Requirements
250MB in /tmp partition (something it is part of the / 'root' partition)
800MB in /opt partition (something it is part of the / 'root' partition)
Software Package Requirements
$ sudo -s
apt update
apt install cpp libjpeg62 libgtk2.0-0 x11-apps
// For Audio subsystem, sound panel & mixer control
apt install pavucontrol
// Older xfonts required as a backward compatibility safety net
apt install xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi
// Mandatory Fonts for Modern Look
apt install fonts-dejavu fonts-noto
// Additional Fonts for Japanese support
apt install fonts-noto-cjk fonts-noto-cjk-extra fonts-noto-cjk
// Terminal Info libs for Ubuntu 22.04 (maybe 20.04)
apt install libtinfo5 libtinfo6
// Terminal Info lib for Ubuntu 24.04
cd /tmp
wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/n/ncurses/libtinfo5_6.3-2ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb
apt install /tmp/libtinfo5_6.3-2ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb
Now let's install the MaXX Interactive Desktop onto your system. Follow the simple instructions to download and run the installer.
You will need superuser access to run some of the commands...
1. Download and Install MaXX Interactive Desktop-Octane v2.2.0
cd /tmp
wget https://s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/cdn.maxxinteractive.com/maxx-desktop-installer/MaXX-Desktop-LINUX-x86_64-2.2.0-Installer.sh
chmod a+x MaXX-Desktop-LINUX-x86_64-2.2.0-Installer.sh
su or sudo -s
Post Installation - Backing up User Preferences
We recommend to backup your User Preferences.
1. Run the following commands (UNDER YOUR NORMAL USER) to backup your MaXXdesktop User Preferences.
$ cd $HOME
$ mv .maxxdesktop dot.maxxdesktop-back
Almost Done
Log out or simply restart your computer to allow your Display Manager (we recommend lightDM with our custom backgrounds) to take into account the new addition.
Once your system is rebooted, you can now choose MaXX Interactive Desktop from GDM's available session menu.
To customize your environment, refer to this book.
Congratulation and Welcome to MaXXdesktop!