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Access permissions on GitHub

With roles, you can control who has access to your accounts and resources and the level of access each person has.

About access permissions on GitHub

To perform any actions on GitHub, such as creating a pull request in a repository or changing an organization's billing settings, a person must have sufficient access to the relevant account or resource. This access is controlled by permissions. A permission is the ability to perform a specific action. For example, the ability to delete an issue is a permission. A role is a set of permissions you can assign to individuals or teams.

Roles work differently for different types of accounts. For more information about accounts, see Types of GitHub accounts.

Personal accounts

A repository owned by a personal account has two permission levels: the repository owner and collaborators. For more information, see Permission levels for a personal account repository.

Organization accounts

Organization members can have owner, billing manager, or member roles. Owners have complete administrative access to your organization, while billing managers can manage billing settings. Member is the default role for everyone else. You can manage access permissions for multiple members at a time with teams. For more information, see:

Enterprise accounts

Enterprise accounts are available with GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Enterprise Server. For more information, see About enterprise accounts in the GitHub Enterprise Cloud documentation.

For more information about permissions for enterprise accounts, see the GitHub Enterprise Cloud documentation.

Further reading