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This page provides step-by-step instructions on how to bootstrap a new Flutter app in your preferred development environment.

To create a new Flutter app, first set up Flutter, then choose your preferred environment and follow the corresponding instructions.

VS Code


To create a Flutter app with VS Code and other Code OSS editors, you first need to install Flutter and set up VS Code for Flutter development. Then follow these steps:

  1. Launch VS Code

    Open VS Code or your preferred Code OSS editor.

  2. Open the command palette

    Go to View > Command Palette or press Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P.

  3. Find the Flutter commands

    In the command palette, start typing flutter:. VS Code should surface commands from the Flutter plugin.

  4. Run the new project command

    Select the Flutter: New Project command. Your OS or VS Code might ask for access to your documents, agree to continue to the next step.

  5. Choose a template

    VS Code should prompt you with Which Flutter template?. Depending on what type of Flutter project you want to create, choose the corresponding template. For a new Flutter app, choose Application.

  6. Select a project location

    A file dialog will appear. Select or create the parent directory where the project will be created. Do not create the project folder itself, the Flutter tool will do so. To confirm your selection, click Select a folder to create the project in.

  7. Enter a project name

    VS Code should prompt you to enter a name for your new project. Enter a name for your app that follows the lowercase_with_underscores naming convention, following the Effective Dart guidelines. To confirm your selection, press Enter.

  8. Wait for project initialization

    Based on the information you entered, VS Code will use flutter create to bootstrap your application. Progress is often surfaced as a notification in the bottom right and can also be accessed from the Output panel.

  9. Run your app

    Your new app should now be created and open in VS Code. To try your new app, follow the steps to run and debug in VS Code.

You've successfully created a new Flutter app in VS Code! If you need more help with developing Flutter in VS Code, check out the VS Code for Flutter reference.

Android Studio


To create a Flutter app with Android Studio, you first need to install Flutter and set up Android Studio for Flutter development. Then follow these steps:

  1. Launch Android Studio

    Open Android Studio with the Dart and Flutter plugins installed.

  2. Begin project creation

    If you're on the IDE welcome dialog that says Welcome to Android Studio, find and click the New Flutter Project button in the center.

    If you already have a project open, either close it or go to File > New > New Flutter Project....

  3. Choose a project type

    In the New Project dialog, under Generators in the left panel, select Flutter.

  4. Verify Flutter SDK setup

    At the top of the right panel, ensure the Flutter SDK path value matches the location of the Flutter SDK you'd like to develop with. If not, update it by choosing or specifying the correct one.

  5. Configure your project

    Click Next to continue to project configuration. Multiple configuration options should appear.

    In the Project name field, enter a name for your app that follows the lowercase_with_underscores naming convention, following the Effective Dart guidelines.

    If you're not creating an application, select another template from the Project type dropdown.

    If you're creating an app that you might publish in the future, set the Organization field to your company domain.

    The other fields can be kept as is or configured according to your project's needs.

  6. Finish project creation

    Once you've completed the configuration of your project, click Create to begin project initialization.

  7. Wait for workspace initialization

    Android Studio will now initialize your workspace, bootstrap your project file structure, and retrieve your app's dependencies. This might take a while and can be tracked at the bottom of the window.

  8. Run your app

    Your new app should now be created and open in Android Studio. To try your new app, follow the steps to run and debug in Android Studio.

You've successfully created a new Flutter app in Android Studio! If you need more help with developing Flutter in Android Studio, check out the Android Studio for Flutter reference.



To create a Flutter app with IntelliJ or other JetBrains IDEs, you first need to install Flutter and set up IntelliJ for Flutter development. Then follow these steps:

  1. Launch IntelliJ

    Open IntelliJ IDEA or your preferred IntelliJ-based IDE by JetBrains that has the Dart and Flutter plugins installed.

  2. Begin project creation

    If you're on the IDE welcome dialog that says Welcome to IntelliJ IDEA, find and click the New Project button in the upper right corner.

    If you already have a project open, either close it or go to File > New > New Project....

  3. Choose a project type

    In the New Project dialog, under Generators in the left panel, select Flutter.

  4. Verify Flutter SDK setup

    At the top of the right panel, ensure the Flutter SDK path value matches the location of the Flutter SDK you'd like to develop with. If not, update it by choosing or specifying the correct one.

  5. Configure your project

    Click Next to continue to project configuration. Multiple configuration options should appear.

    In the Project name field, enter a name for your app that follows the lowercase_with_underscores naming convention, following the Effective Dart guidelines.

    If you're not creating an application, select another template from the Project type dropdown.

    If you're creating an app that you might publish in the future, set the Organization field [to your company domain][ij-set-org].

    The other fields can be kept as is or configured according to your project's needs.

  6. Finish project creation

    Once you've completed the configuration of your project, click Create to begin project initialization.

  7. Wait for workspace initialization

    IntelliJ will now initialize your workspace, bootstrap your project file structure, and retrieve your app's dependencies. This might take a while and can be tracked at the bottom of the window.

  8. Run your app

    Your new app should now be created and open in IntelliJ. To try your new app, follow the steps to run and debug in IntelliJ.

You've successfully created a new Flutter app in IntelliJ! If you need more help with developing Flutter in IntelliJ, check out the IntelliJ for Flutter reference.

Project IDX


To create a Flutter app with Project IDX, you first need a Google account and to set up IDX. Then follow these steps:

  1. Launch Project IDX

    In your preferred browser, navigate to the IDX dashboard found at idx.google.com. If you haven't yet, you might need to log in to your Google account.

  2. Create a new workspace

    In the IDX dashboard, find the New workspace card. It should include a variety of templates to choose from. Select the Flutter template. If you can't find it, it might be under the Mobile category.

  3. Name your workspace

    IDX should prompt you to Name your workspace. This name is distinct from the name of your Flutter app. Choose a descriptive name that you'll recognize in a list of your IDX workspaces.

  4. Provision your new workspace

    Once you've chosen a name and configured your workspace, click Create to provision your new workspace.

  5. Wait for workspace initialization

    IDX will now initialize your workspace, bootstrap your project file structure, and retrieve your app's dependencies. This might take a while.

  6. Run your app

    Your new app should now be created and open in IDX. To try your new app, follow the docs provided by Project IDX to preview your app on the web or on Android.

You've successfully created a new Flutter app in Project IDX! If you need help configuring your workspace, check out Customize your IDX workspace.



To create a Flutter app in your terminal, you first need to install and set up Flutter. Then follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal

    Open your preferred method to access the command line, such as Terminal on macOS or PowerShell on Windows.

  2. Navigate to the desired directory

    Ensure your current working directory is the desired parent directory for your new app. Do not create the project folder, the flutter tool will do so.

  3. Configure project creation

    In your terminal, type out the flutter create command and pass in any desired flags and options to configure your project. For example, to create an app with a minimal main.dart file, you can add the --empty option:

    flutter create --empty

    To learn about the available creation options, run flutter create --help in another terminal window.

  4. Enter a project name

    As the only non-option argument to flutter create, specify the directory and default name for your application. The name should follow the lowercase_with_underscores naming convention, following the Effective Dart guidelines.

    For example, if you wanted to create an app named my_app:

    flutter create my_app
  5. Execute the configured command

    To create a project with your specified configuration, run the command you built in the previous step.

  6. Wait for project initialization

    The flutter tool will now bootstrap your project's file structure and retrieve any necessary dependencies. This might take a while.

  7. Navigate into the project directory

    Now that your project has been created, you can navigate to it in your terminal or your preferred editor. For example, with a bash shell and a project named my_app:

    cd my_app
  8. Run your app

    To try your new app, run the flutter run command in your terminal and respond to its prompts to select an output device.

You've successfully created a new Flutter app in your terminal! If you need help configuring your project or with the flutter CLI tool, check out the Flutter CLI reference.