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{ const container = $el; // The div with overflow const item = document.getElementById('sidebar-current-page') if (item) { const containerTop = container.scrollTop; const containerBottom = containerTop + container.clientHeight; const itemTop = item.offsetTop - container.offsetTop; const itemBottom = itemTop + item.offsetHeight; // Scroll only if the item is out of view if (itemBottom > containerBottom - 200) { container.scrollTop = itemTop - (container.clientHeight / 2 - item.offsetHeight / 2); } } })" class="md:h-[calc(100vh-64px)] fixed md:sticky top-0 md:top-16 z-40 hidden h-screen flex-none overflow-y-auto overflow-x-hidden bg-background-light dark:bg-gray-dark-100 w-full md:z-auto md:block md:w-[300px]" :class="{ 'hidden': ! $store.showSidebar }">

Integrate Docker Scout with GitLab CI/CD

Table of contents

The following examples runs in GitLab CI in a repository containing a Docker image's definition and contents. Triggered by a commit, the pipeline builds the image. If the commit was to the default branch, it uses Docker Scout to get a CVE report. If the commit was to a different branch, it uses Docker Scout to compare the new version to the current published version.


First, set up the rest of the workflow. There's a lot that's not specific to Docker Scout but needed to create the images to compare.

Add the following to a .gitlab-ci.yml file at the root of your repository.

  image: docker:latest
  stage: build
    - docker:dind

    # Install curl and the Docker Scout CLI
    - |
      apk add --update curl
      curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/scout-cli/main/install.sh | sh -s -- 
      apk del curl 
      rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
    # Login to Docker Hub required for Docker Scout CLI
    - echo "$DOCKER_HUB_PAT" | docker login -u "$DOCKER_HUB_USER" --password-stdin

This sets up the workflow to build Docker images with Docker-in-Docker mode, running Docker inside a container.

It then downloads curl and the Docker Scout CLI plugin, logs into the Docker registry using environment variables defined in your repository's settings.

Add the following to the YAML file:

  - |
    if [[ "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH" == "$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH" ]]; then
      echo "Running on default branch '$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH': tag = 'latest'"
      echo "Running on branch '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH': tag = $tag"
  - docker build --pull -t "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE${tag}" .
  - |
    if [[ "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH" == "$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH" ]]; then
      # Get a CVE report for the built image and fail the pipeline when critical or high CVEs are detected
      docker scout cves "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE${tag}" --exit-code --only-severity critical,high    
      # Compare image from branch with latest image from the default branch and fail if new critical or high CVEs are detected
      docker scout compare "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE${tag}" --to "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest" --exit-code --only-severity critical,high --ignore-unchanged

  - docker push "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE${tag}"

This creates the flow mentioned previously. If the commit was to the default branch, Docker Scout generates a CVE report. If the commit was to a different branch, Docker Scout compares the new version to the current published version. It only shows critical or high-severity vulnerabilities and ignores vulnerabilities that haven't changed since the last analysis.

Add the following to the YAML file:

      - Dockerfile

These final lines ensure that the pipeline only runs if the commit contains a Dockerfile and if the commit was to the CI branch.

Video walkthrough

The following is a video walkthrough of the process of setting up the workflow with GitLab.