Explore Tufts faculty & student scholarship, student and university publications, digitized books, Tufts University history, archival collections, photographs, and much more.

Tufts students, faculty, and staff can self-deposit a variety of published and unpublished work in pdf format into the Tufts Digital Library, including senior honors theses & other capstone projects, articles & book chapters, conference presentations, and more.
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Senior honors theses, masters theses, and PhD dissertations written by Tufts students. Visit our Help page for more information about what you’ll find here in the TDL.
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Items in this collection include maps and photos of campus and items related to campus buildings.
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Browse and search Tufts publications, including newspapers, yearbooks, and student publications.
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Published and unpublished scholarship created by Tufts faculty members, including articles, books & book chapters, reports, white papers, conference presentations, and more.
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Digitized books & manuscripts from the Tufts Libraries collections.
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Archives at Tufts contains all finding aids for Tufts Archival Research Center at Tufts University. Visit Archives at Tufts to browse and discover Tufts’ extraordinary collections of primary sources and to request material relevant to your research.
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Digital exhibits from Tisch Library and Tufts Archival Research Center. Explore exhibits on Tufts Unviersity history, special collections holdings, historic voting records, and much more.
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Browse and search the wide range of images and photographs in the Tufts Digital Library.
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