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Convolutional nets and watershed cuts for real-time semantic Labeling of RGBD videos

Published: 01 January 2014 Publication History


This work addresses multi-class segmentation of indoor scenes with RGB-D inputs. While this area of research has gained much attention recently, most works still rely on handcrafted features. In contrast, we apply a multiscale convolutional network to learn features directly from the images and the depth information. Using a frame by frame labeling, we obtain nearly state-of-the-art performance on the NYU-v2 depth data set with an accuracy of 64.5%. We then show that the labeling can be further improved by exploiting the temporal consistency in the video sequence of the scene. To that goal, we present a method producing temporally consistent superpixels from a streaming video. Among the different methods producing superpixel segmentations of an image, the graph-based approach of Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher is broadly employed. One of its interesting properties is that the regions are computed in a greedy manner in quasi-linear time by using a minimum spanning tree. In a framework exploiting minimum spanning trees all along, we propose an efficient video segmentation approach that computes temporally consistent pixels in a causal manner, filling the need for causal and real-time applications. We illustrate the labeling of indoor scenes in video sequences that could be processed in real-time using appropriate hardware such as an FPGA.


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      Published In

      cover image The Journal of Machine Learning Research
      The Journal of Machine Learning Research  Volume 15, Issue 1
      January 2014
      4085 pages
      Issue’s Table of Contents



      Publication History

      Revised: 01 May 2014
      Published: 01 January 2014
      Published in JMLR Volume 15, Issue 1

      Author Tags

      1. convolutional networks
      2. deep learning
      3. depth information
      4. optimization
      5. superpixels


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