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Productivity or Equity? Tradeoffs in Volunteer Microtasking in Humanitarian OpenStreetMap

Published: 26 April 2024 Publication History


Microtasking, the decomposition of tasks into small units of work, is prolific in human computation and crowdsourcing. Some peer production systems are beginning to leverage this same technique in volunteer contribution-based settings. While early research suggests that focusing volunteer work in this way using microtasking may be fruitful, the effects of microtasking on contributor behavior in volunteer peer production settings, like OpenStreetMap, remain unclear. This paper takes advantage of a natural experiment facilitated by the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap's Tasking Manager, a microtasking system, and employs causal inference analysis to evaluate the effects of a microtasking intervention on contributor dynamics. Our study systematically leverages a global dataset to analyze peer production dynamics, building on prior research to address a gap in peer production literature and informing the design of the microtasking interfaces. We causally show that, indeed, microtasking can be an effective intervention in peer production settings, but it may exacerbate power-law patterns that are common in such settings. By further analyzing project design decisions and characteristics, we develop implications for platform practitioners, with a focus on addressing engagement and contribution inequity issues prevalent in settings like OpenStreetMap.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 8, Issue CSCW1
April 2024
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 26 April 2024
Published in PACMHCI Volume 8, Issue CSCW1

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  1. causal inference
  2. crowdsourcing
  3. openstreetmap
  4. peer production


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