Hybrid Online Degrees and Certificates
With our flexible, hybrid online degrees and certificate, you won't need to relocate or leave your current work to engage in theological study that will transform your faith and practice.
Doctoral Programs
Dual Degrees & Programs

Paid Field Education Internships
We build paid field education internships into our three-year residential M.Div. program, so students receive practical experience and training as a complement to work done in the classroom.

The Divinity School Library
The Divinity School Library boasts a collection of more than 400,000 volumes in the fields of religion and related disciplines and affords a wealth of material for the seminary student. An integral part of the university’s library system, which possesses more than 6,200,000 volumes, the Divinity School Library also subscribes to over 700 religious periodicals, offers study facilities for students in its reading rooms, and houses a reference collection in religion.
Learn More about the library
The Center for Writing and Academic Support
The Center for Writing and Academic Support aims to help students in the Divinity School strengthen theological interpretation, teaching, preaching, and communication. Through tutoring services and workshops, the center fosters creativity, imagination, and innovation in writing.
Learn More about the center for writing and academic support
International Study
Study abroad gives students opportunities to experience the life of the church in an increasingly interconnected world. Duke Divinity School has several student exchange programs with prestigious universities in Hong Kong, England, Germany, and the Netherlands. In addition, professors and staff have led study trips to locations including Turkey, South Sudan, Mexico, and Haiti.
Learn More about international study