Deutsches Ärzteblatt International is a bilingual weekly online journal of clinical medicine and public health. As the official journal of the German Medical Association and the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians we publish independent, peer-reviewed articles from all branches of clinical medicine. In addition, you will find editorials and a section devoted to scientific discussion (correspondence). We hope that for our international readership our journal will be both an important source of medical information and a window to the German medical scene.
Deutsches Ärzteblatt International is free of advertisements, and all articles are openly accessible. Since its inception in January 2008, Deutsches Ärzteblatt International has been included in the following databases: Carelit, CINAHL, Compendex, DOAJ, EMBASE, EMNursing, GEOBASE, HINARI, Index Copernicus, Medline, Medpilot, PsycINFO, Science Citation Index expanded and Scopus. You can learn more about the journal in our section "From the editor's desk" (right margin). Topics include, among other things, our policy regarding conflicts of interest, authorship rules, or bilingual medical publishing. The section "Editorial team" (left margin) lists our scientific advisory board, the editorial staff, and publisher information.
Christopher Baethge, MD
Chief Scientific Editor
I hope that you will find our pages interesting, useful, and enjoyable. We welcome your queries or comments ("Contact us").