The Mesh to Curve node has a new "Face" option that converts each face to a cyclic curve (a48d155c87).
The new Visual Geometry to Objects operator converts procedurally generated instances to objects and collections that are editable as part of the scene's data (63e6f53ba0).
The instance geometries created by the String to Curves node are now given names based on their corresponding text character (3f596a651c).
The Bounding Box node now has an option for whether to include the radius of curves and point clouds (06f6d77979).
Image inputs exposed to the modifier now have buttons to create or open an image instead of just selecting from existing images (f9e02b5925).
The Curve to Mesh node now has a "Scale" input to scale the profile curve. This replaces the implicit use of the "radius" attribute that was used before. (a92b68939a)