Geometry Nodes
Viewer Node
- The Viewer Node now has the ability to preview geometry and
attributes in the viewport as well as the spreadsheet
- When a field is linked to the second input of the viewer node it is
displayed as an overlay in the viewport.
- A viewer node is activated by clicking on it.
- The attribute overlay opacity can be controlled with the "Viewer
Node" setting in the overlays popover.
- A viewport can be configured not to show intermediate
viewer-geometry by disabling the "Viewer Node" option in the "View"
- Viewer nodes now have a domain dropdown. It determines which domain
the field will be evaluated on.
- The Self Object retrieves the current modifier object for
retrieving transforms
- The Transfer Attribute node has been removed and split into multiple
more specific nodes
- The Sample Index node retrieves data from specific geometry
elements by index.
- The Sample Nearest node retrieves the indices from the closest
geometry elements
- The Sample Nearest Surface node interpolates a field input to
the closest location on a mesh surface.
- The new Face Set Boundaries node finds the edges between different
patches of faces
- Access to mesh topology information has been improved, with new nodes
and other changes .
- Corners of Face Retrieves corners that make up a face
- Corners of Vertex Retrieves face corners connected to vertices
- Edges of Corner Retrieves the edges on boths sides of a face
- Edges of Vertex Retrieves the edges connected to each vertex
- Face of Corner Retrieves the face each face corner is part of
- Offset Corner in Face Retrieves neighboring corners within a
- Vertex of Corner Retrieves the vertex each face corner is
attached to
- The Edge Vertices node now has an index input so it can be more
easily combined with the other nodes
- The new Sample UV Surface node allows getting an attribute value
based on a UV coordinate
- The Trim Curves node now supports cyclic curves
- New nodes give access to topology information about the mapping
between curves and points.
- Curve of Point Retrieves the curve a control point is part of
- Points of Curve Retrieves a point index within a curve
- Offset Point in Curve Offset a control point index within its
- The Set Curve Normal allows choosing the normal evaluation mode
for curves
- The Sample Curve node now has inputs for the curve index and a
custom value to sample
- The Distribute Points in Volume node creates points inside of
volume grids
- Attributes of instances created via geometry nodes are now accessible
from materials through the Instancer mode of the Attribute node
- Geometry nodes has a new evaluation system
- The evaluator can provide better performance when many complex node
groups are used.
- Performance can be increased when there are very many small nodes
- The Trim Curves node has been ported to the new data-block and can
be 3-4 times faster than in 3.2 or 3.3
- Mesh and curve domain interpolation can be skipped for single values
Node Editor
- Node group assets are visible in the add menus of the node editor
User Interface
- Show data-block use count in the Context Path and Group node header

- Node links have been tweaked to make them fit better with the overall
look of the node editor
- Link curving has been adjusted to make vertical links look better
- Input sockets are reused when creating new node groups
Duplicate Linked
- Duplicate Linked operator and user Preference option for Node Tree
data duplication