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Commit Message Guidelines

Please observe the following guidelines and provided templates for your commits:

  • The first line represents the subject of the commit.
  • The body of the commit message is separated from the subject by a blank line.
  • Lines should not exceed 72 characters.
  • Do not embed images in the commit description.
  • ASCII for diagrams and arrows can be used where appropriate.

Many git tools assume these metrics for proper rendering, such as git log --pretty=oneline or gitweb. Automated reports or just plain future development depend on good logs.


  • Commit messages should use American English suitable for technical documentation.
  • Abbreviations should only be used when they are well understood in the field.
  • When naming other people in a patch, use their full name instead of nickname or username.

Commit Types

Nearly all commits are one of the following 3 types, and must follow the associated conventions.

Bug Fixes

  • Don't copy the bug report name verbatim if it's not descriptive, explain exactly what the problem was.
  • Explain what you fixed on a user level, do not focus only on what was wrong in the code.
  • Start the commit log with "Fix #12345: " or "Fix:" (for unreported bugs), so it's immediately clear that it's a bug-fix.
  • Bonus Feature: mentioning "Fix #12345" will auto-close the bug #12345 on projects.blender.org!


Fix #12345: Single short line to explain on a user level what the bug was

Optionally, more user level information about which scenarios the bug
happened in, why it was fixed in this particular way, etc.

If non-obvious, some technical note about what the cause of the bug was and
how it was solved.

New Features and Improvements

  • Explain what the feature does on a user level, not just the code changes.
  • Keep user level explanation and code changes explanation separate.
  • Explain features in terms of their names in the user interface, not internal code terminology.
  • If it's not obvious, explain what the feature is useful for or when it should be used.
  • Start with a category like "Cycles:", "Sculpt:" or "UI:".
  • For performance improvements, give specific numbers from tests rather than vague terms like "slightly faster".


Category: Single short line saying what the feature you have implemented is

More user level information about how this feature works, explanation about why
it's good to have, link to docs or release notes, etc.

Optionally short technical notes about how the feature was implemented.

Relevant bugs, design or to do issues can be auto closed or referenced with respectively Fix \#123 or Ref \#123 at the end of the commit message.

Code Cleanups and Refactoring

  • Use only when there are no functional changes expected.
  • Separate cleanup commits from functional changes. First clean up the code, commit that as a cleanup commit, then commit the functional changes.
  • Use the Cleanup: prefix when you remove unused code, fix compiler warnings, fix typos, etc.
  • Use Refactor: when you restructure/move code (for better maintainability).


Cleanup: Single short line describing what you cleaned up

Optionally more information about the cleanup.

Code Review

For code review, the recommended workflow is to use pull requests.

Pushing directly to the repository is possible, and the pull request link must be manually added in the commit message then. The pull request will not automatically close.

Author(s) / Committer

  • If you commit a patch of your own, you are author and committer of the commit (the default).
  • If you commit a patch on behalf of someone else, there are several cases:
    • If the full name of the single original author is known, you are committer, but the original author becomes author in git. Commit as git commit --author "Full Name <Nick>".
    • Otherwise, you remain author and committer in git. However, you have to add a Co-authored-by: line to the commit message.
    • In case there are several co-authors to a commit, add one line starting with Co-authored-by: for each of them.

Using the Co-authored-by: convention (one line per co-author) allows the tool generating credits (list of contributors) for a release to automatically include all the co-authors of a commit. Gitea will also automatically generate these lines from all authors of the commits in a PR in case of a squashed commit. Note that several variants of this formatting are supported:

  • Co-authored-by: Real Name
  • Co-authored-by: Real Name <emailname@email.com>
  • Co-authored-by: Real Name <NickName>

In the rare case where there are some errors or missing author information in a commit, it is possible to fully overwrite the authors' information for that specific commit, for the generated credits only. This requires editing the credits tool code to add an entry in the commit_authors_overwrite dict.