Showing results for July 2019 - Visual Studio Blog
Jul 31, 2019

Status on Visual Studio feature suggestions

Mads Kristensen
Mads Kristensen

Visual Studio receives over 500 feature suggestions from customers every month on the Developer Community website. Handling that amount is a huge effort and we’d like to share with you how we handle this volume and the steps that we take to respond to them all.

Visual StudioAnnouncementDeveloper Community
Jul 24, 2019

Visual Studio 2019 version 16.2 Generally Available and 16.3 Preview 1

Jacqueline Widdis
Jacqueline Widdis

Check out what's new in the 16.2 generally available and 16.3 Preview 1 release of Visual Studio 2019. See the improvements to Test Explorer, search capabilities within the product, C++ linker iteration build times, and .NET Core 3.0

Visual StudioDebugging and DiagnosticsAnnouncement
Jul 24, 2019

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.2 is now available (and a Preview for 8.3)

Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi
Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi

Today we are announcing the release of Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.2, as well as Preview 1 of version 8.3. We have a lot of new features and updates in both releases that we’d like to share with you! Some of these include the new C#, XAML and AXML editors, support for .NET Core 3.0 Preview and launchsettings.json and many more.

Visual Studio for MacVisual Studio 2019 for Mac
Jul 24, 2019

Skill up on Visual Studio 2019 with Pluralsight

Rajen Kishna [MSFT]
Rajen Kishna [MSFT]

With the launch of Visual Studio 2019 in April, we announced having partnered with Pluralsight to provide new training content to help you build your skills with Visual Studio 2019. We’re thrilled to announce that all 10 courses, spanning over 14 hours of content in the Visual Studio 2019 Path on Pluralsight, are now available.

Visual Studio 2019PluralsightTraining
Jul 22, 2019

Java on Visual Studio Code July Update

Xiaokai He
Xiaokai He

Welcome to the July update of Java on Visual Studio Code! In this update, we’d like to share a couple new refactoring features, semantic selection as well as some other enhancements we delivered during last few weeks. Refactoring Trigger after After performing refactoring, more often than not, we would like to assign the result with a mean...

JavaVisual Studio CodeRefactoring
Jul 15, 2019

Resolve code issues in live apps running in Azure Kubernetes Services with the Snapshot Debugger

Mark Downie
Mark Downie

Snapshot Debugger is built for production so you can set Snappoints and Logpoints in code, like debugger breakpoints and tracepoints. However, when a Snappoint is hit in an AKS Linux Docker container, a snapshot is dynamically created without stopping the process. You are then able to attach to these snapshots using Visual Studio.

ASP.NETVisual Studio 2019Diagnostics
Jul 11, 2019

Checklist for writing great Visual Studio extensions

Mads Kristensen
Mads Kristensen

Great Visual Studio extensions share a few key features that sets them apart from the rest. They look and feel well crafted, are performant and reliable, do what they advertise to perfection, and blend in naturally among Visual Studio’s own features.

Visual StudioExtensions