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peace and love :3
1.5M ratings
277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

non-transfem lesbians are always trying to tell me why it's actually fine for them to have genital preference but for some reason I never hear any of them saying "I would be so grossed out if I had to fuck a vagina"


imagine if you will: you, an AFAB lesbian, are sexually attracted to a woman. you learn that this woman is a pre- or non-op trans woman, and you lose your sexual attraction to her. here are the potential reasons this might occur

  • you think penises are inherently implements of violence, and therefore that people with penises are inherently violent (transmisogynistic)
  • you're afraid of penises because of past traumatic experiences involving men (transmisogynistic; trans women are not men)
  • you think penises are ugly (not inherently transmisogynistic, but imagine how you'd react to someone losing their attraction to you because they thought your pussy was gross)
  • you think that having sex that involves a real penis somehow makes you "less lesbian" (transmisogynistic)
  • you think that sex with a trans woman is guaranteed to involve PiV penetration (transmisogynistic)
  • you straight-up think this woman is a man trying to trick you into fucking her (REALLY transmisogynistic)

let me know if I missed anything


Laptops are always so much more Fucked than phones in my experience. A laptop is like a beautiful horse that wants nothing more than to break all of its legs. A decently solid android phone will act normal


A laptop is a living creature. It has weight to it. A laptop breathes and produces body heat. And it wants to die badly. Mobile phones are not sentient like that & that's why they don't experience mental illness. A phone problem is like "out of storage :(" or "charging port broke". Laptops will cough weakly as they fade in and out of consciousness


You will hold a laptop in your arms and it's like "I can't feel my legs". And you tell it girl you never had any


String identified:
at a aa c c ta c. A at a at tat at tg ta t a a t g. A ct a act a
A at a g cat. t a gt t t. A at at a c at. A t at t a. a t tt tat & tat' t 't c ta . A "t tag :(" "cagg t ". at cg a a t a a t cc
a at a a t' " ca't g". A t t g a a

Closest match: Mus musculus chromosome 7, clone RP24-185E6, complete sequence
Common name: House Mouse


(image source)


LGBT people, I need you to know that any “pedophile execution bill” passed in the US is meant to put you, personally, to death. When the right says “groomer,” they’re talking about you. When they say “predator,” they’re talking about you. When they say “pedophile,” they’re talking about you. Any actual child sex abusers who are convicted and executed would be, to them, a happy accident, a cherry on top of a law that’s meant to exterminate anyone who deviates from the cisgender, heterosexual norm.