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Due to inevitable reasons, the dates for Sr. no. 02 and 14 related to NIB No. 12/2024-25 are revised as follows:-
S.No. Original Schedule Original Date Original Time Revised Date Revised Time
1. Publication date 03.09.2024 5.00 PM 03.09.2024 5.00 PM
2. Documents download 03.09.2024 5.00 PM 03.09.2024 5.00 PM
start date
3. Documents download 18.09.2024 11.00 AM 24.09.2024 11.00 AM
End date
4. Bid submission start date 03.09.2024 5.00 PM 03.09.2024 5.00 PM
5. Bid submission End date 18.09.2024 11.00 AM 24.09.2024 11.00 AM
7 Technical Bid Opening 19.09.2024 11.00 AM 25.09.2024 11.00 AM
8 Financial Bid opening To be intimated after evalution of Technical Bid
9. Submission of Demand Up to 5.00 PM of dated 18.09.2024 Up to 5.00 PM of dated
Draft/ Banker cheque of in respective division office. 24.09.2024 in respective
Tender cost (including division office.
processing fees) BID
security *