Consignment Receipt Note (CRN) : Signature Not Verified
Consignment Receipt Note (CRN) : Signature Not Verified
Consignment Receipt Note (CRN) : Signature Not Verified
Infrared thermal imaging system (Thermovision camera) having touch screen, temperature range from 0 to 500 degree Celsius or higher, with
rechargeable battery bank, scanned image can be downloaded from USB port. Cameras software should be license free so that it can be
Description of Item:
installed at multiple PC. Material shall conforming RDSO specification no. TI/SPC/OHE/TIPS/1031 December 2013 with all accessories.
(Warranty period: Upto 30 months from the date of supply, in case details are not entered in PO under Warranty Period field.)
PO Qty. (in PO Unit): 1.000 Number All-inclusive Rate in PO: Rs. 147,500 per Number
RR/Challan No.& Date: 24251953 dt.23-08-2024 Invoice No. & Date: 24251815 dt.23-08-2024
IC No: IC Date: 09-09-2024
Qty.Despatched (in PO Units): 1.000 Number Qty.Received (in PO Units): 1.000 Number
Qty.Accepted (in Transaction 147500.00 (Rupees One Lakh Forty-Seven Thousand Five
1.000 Number Value of Accepted Qty (in Rs):
Units): Hundred Only)
520511750036-. Infrared thermal imaging system (Thermovision camera) having touch screen, temperature range from 0 to 500 degree
Celsius or higher, with rechargeable battery bank, scanned image can be downloaded from USB port. Cameras software should be license
free so that it can be installed at multiple PC. Material shall conforming RDSO specification no. TI/SPC/OHE/TIPS/1031 December 2013 or
latest each unit consisting of (1) Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera withIntegrated Digital Camera, Voice recording with headphone, Auto cold
Ledger Folio Item:
and hot spot recognition, data downloadingand printing facility, Battery with mains charger, Carry case and Calibration Certificate (2) Camera
optics shouldinclude suitable HFOV and VFOX suitable for measurement, imaging, monitoring and storing (3) FPA of more than320 x 240
Pixel. (4) Telephoto lens 9 deg. x 7 deg. lens of better. (5) Camera suitable for measurement oftemperatures ranging from -20 to to +500
deg. C or better. (6) Camera shall have other features detailed
Amount Payable (Rs.) Rs 147500 (Rupees One Lakh Forty-Seven Thousand Five Hundred Only)
Above material found acceptable & accounted for in Ledger as per above details.
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