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Hier siehst du einige beliebte Tipps in Rochester. Wähle eine Vorliebe, um noch mehr anzuzeigen:

Foursquare hilft dir dabei, die perfekten Orte in Rochester für dich und deine Freunde zu finden:

  • 9.3

    Good Luck

    Neuamerikanisches Restaurant 50 Anderson Ave Rochester, NY

    Leute sagen außerdem (79 Tipps):

    • Kyle M.
      Kyle Macey: "Amazing cocktails and one of the best burgers on the planet. Order it to share or to devour all on your own."
  • 9.3

    Dinosaur Bar-B-Que

    Grill-Imbiss 99 Court St Rochester, NY

    Leute sagen außerdem (229 Tipps):

    • Rich S.
      Rich Sakalas: "Fantastic brisket and pulled pork (who am I kidding, everything's great)! Great selection of beers on tap. A must when you're in Rochester."
  • 9.2

    Century Liquor & Wines

    Weinhandlung 3349 Monroe Ave Rochester, NY

    Leute sagen außerdem (12 Tipps):

    • Bri F.
      Bri Free: "The service there is great! They're super nice an as a somewhat new, of-age person, it's nice to not be judged as soon as you walk in the door. 21 year olds know what I mean..."
  • 9.3

    George Eastman Museum

    Museum 900 East Ave Rochester, NY

    Leute sagen außerdem (44 Tipps):

    • Paul D.
      Paul Davey: "Amazing innovator, and home to the worlds first multi-room sound system! Ask nicely and they might even play a tune for you"
  • 9.5

    Village Bakery & Cafe

    Bäckerei 145 Culver Rd Rochester, NY

    Leute sagen außerdem (28 Tipps):

    • Sebastian C.
      Sebastian Castro: "Great place. The bakery is absolutely delicious and the coffee is good. The cookies and the pies are beyond earths"
  • 9.0

    Highland Park

    Park 171 Reservoir Ave Rochester, NY

    Leute sagen außerdem (20 Tipps):

    • Jesse F.
      Jesse Fewkes: "Impeccably planted and maintained park. Even the reservoir is beautiful."

Über diese Orte reden die Leute in Rochester:

  • 9.2

    Radio Social

    Bowlingbahn 20 Carlson Rd Rochester, NY

    Leute sagen außerdem (5 Tipps):

    • Tom C.
      Tom Comet: "Very fun and shockingly good food considering the venue. My biggest top is— call ahead to reserve your lane!! I’ve never made a bowling reservation before but this place fills up fast."
    • Greg T.
      Greg Taggart: "Awesome bowling. Great space, great rates, & great beer. Come with great friends!"
  • 9.2

    Record Archive

    Plattenladen 33 1/3 Rockwood St Rochester, NY

    Leute sagen außerdem (17 Tipps):

    • Christopher P.
      Christopher Piazza: "A huge selection with an equally large variety. 👌🏻"
    • MSZWNY M.
      MSZWNY Mike: "Best record & cd shop (new & used) in Rochester. Also loaded with tons of funky/funny novelty items. Cool place!"
  • 9.1

    AJ's Beer Warehouse

    Bier-Shop 175 Clay Rd Rochester, NY

    Leute sagen außerdem (21 Tipps):

    • Clay C.
      Clay C: "Appears to have a small selection but the walk-in cooler is massive plus the growler fill area is huge. These people really care about beer. Awesome place to buy fresh beer."
    • Mattaniah H.
      Mattaniah Harp: "This place is the best. If you're looking for beer selection, this is Upstate's holy grail. Check out their tasting schedule for the opportunity to try some great surprise beers."

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