Ride-Along Request

DCS offers a Ride-Along Program to provide opportunities for individuals to observe community supervision firsthand and, through personal interaction, become better acquainted with the duties and responsibilities of our agency and personnel.
For individuals interested in employment with our Department, please contact our Recruitment Team at [email protected].
Eligible Participants Include:
- Georgia Department of Corrections
- State Board of Pardons and Parole
- Elected Officials and Staff
- All Peace Officers and Law Enforcement Staff
- Representatives of the Media
- Students and All Interested Citizens 18+
Please complete the form linked below if you are interested in participating in a DCS ride-along. If your request for a ride-along is approved, you will be contacted. Due to demand, we are unable to accommodate all requests. Priority is given towards ride-along requests that are in the best interest of the Department of Community Supervision.
Due to privacy constraints, recording during the ride-along is strictly prohibited unless previously authorized by the Department.